May 6, 2011

New Top 8 Lootable Items


Thanks so much to Enrique Medina for posting the new Top 8 lootable items on the Mafia Wars Fan Page.
Here is the old chart to compare. All the giftable items have a check on them. You can see we lost the Sea Eagle to the Talon. Of the 4th generation fighting loot items that we all worked so hard to get, only the Venomous remains. I wish one of the new loot items would replace the Black Caiman from Brazil as it will be next to impossible to acquire 500 of those before better loot is introduced.
I wish one of the new loot items would replace the Black Caiman from Brazil as it will be next to impossible to acquire 500 of those before better loot is introduced. For now your Golden Poison Frog is the best second choice.
If you spent all your Victory Coins on Splint Greaves, they are still better than the Swiss Guard.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Do you not consider the newly introduced war Rewards as lootable items? Sure, they might not be easy to acquire, but you sure can make get plenty of them if you use something like PS wallscrubber.

  2. yeah, Ive been saving my victory coins...use em all at once when something better comes along which seems to be about every month now.

  3. I was holding back as well. Seems like that is the way to go.


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