May 6, 2011

New Fight Loot Items


The fifth generation of Fight Loot has arrived.
Go to your fight page and click on the yellow question mark to see what they are.
Here is a closer look at each of the four new items. I will have drop rates as soon as I get a decent run in or one of my Mafia War Gods sends me one. You can also check the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page for updates as many players post their runs.
Zynga needs to work on their coding a little better. You can see what they are calling "Superior" and there are duplicate items as well. This has been verified on several accounts.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. lol.. last pic is funny!

  2. Brawler showed me 5 Slipstream, but the inventory shows me only 1...
    Thats unfair

  3. well Acturion Rifle is in the "Superior" Level LOL

  4. BR have a problem. U dont get 5x, u get only 1x!

  5. new loot doesn't drop 5x in brazil, damn

  6. not only the new ones, all drop 1x

  7. old loot dropping in Brazil at 1x too

  8. Well, the superior tag on the arcturion makes it more valuable in the pawn shop. that might be why zynga has labelled it so corny

    also have you noticed that armory depot building items are now dropping as loot from fights?

  9. woulda been nice to see def armour and a offensive weapon. as it is already have to spend vc on glances since freighters from brazil are basically no go and pope mobiles are meh at best. and then theres sprint greaves yes swiss are decent but i dont want just decent. and with weapons we already had blades and the black market weapon. yes legions are nice but drop rate is no where near fast enough and brazil weapons are like freighters try and get 500 of those by the time you spend the billion nrg fhel 10 would be out. we have had 3 def weapons in a row now from fighting not including fhel 1 which had all areas covered. we had woodsmans then blades now the fhel 5 version. armour same but reversed current fhel 5 toxic gas scrubbers and fhel 2 version cant recall its name off hand.

  10. these are also dropping from tournaments


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