May 1, 2011

Loot Advertisements


I got an interesting e-mail today and based on some comments from previous posts it's feel a topic I need to address.
If you look to the left, right or bottom of a post on my blog, chances are you will see a loot service advertisement. Since Italy loot became giftable, they have been quite popular and many of you are clicking on them.
I use several third party advertising services and they select which ads will appear on my blog. As you can see, I earn money whenever you click on an ad.
If you go to the Mafia Wars Wiki, you will see the same thing.
The advertising services make a lot more than me. The small amount of revenue does help off set the cost of all the Reward Points I buy to better document, explain the game and perform studies to gather statistics. Mike Nestor and I were the same level when I first started writing this blog. You can see by our current levels that most of my Reward Points have not gone into playing the game strategically. Yeah I know I'm a Mogul but I recently changed that because the last money achievement is the only thing I don't have in the game.
Any game with a virtual economy will end up with a black market. Mafia Wars is no exception. What Zynga does to monitor and control the black market is only known to them. The Community Management Team are not the game police and Zynga has their own Security Team lead by the person known as the Dark Knight (1). If you feel compelled to report activity that is against the TOS do so by sending an e-mail to Don't report things to me or use the comment section of my blog. I'm not the game police either. To learn more about virtual economies and how they apply to the real world go here. For more on the online gaming black market read this excellent article titled Real money trading--the black market of on-line gaming by AJ Glasser.

"Real money trading is not illegal in the same way that the government says you can't sneak into someone's house and steal their stuff. That's clearly illegal -- but [RMT] is not criminal. It's only illegal in the sense that you could land in court if [game developers] decide to sue you and most of them won't."/Greg Lastowka Rutgers University law professor

If you have more than a few hundred players in your mafia, chances are you probably get inbox messages on a regular basis from someone selling loot. Here is one with the latest prices of the top Italy loot.
The existence of a black market in any online game can help with player retention as it helps to keep many players engaged. In a few lines of code, Zynga could easily squash the entire black market. Your guess is as good as mine as to why they don't sell giftable loot items in the Marketplace at a comparable price to what you can get the items for on the black market. I can only speculate that maybe they want a black market to exist.
So back to the question at hand. Is it wrong to have advertisements for services that are against the TOS on my blog? Probably. The only way I can stop it is to remove all advertising services and make zero revenue. In effect I indirectly benefit from the black market. Unless Zynga decides to squash the black market or pay exclusive advertising rights to the sites that get the most traffic, you will continue to get inbox messages and see ads from loot service providers. Message Parlors that offer happy endings are illegal where I live. That doesn't stop them from existing on every street corner or advertising in just about every magazine and newspaper in Las Vegas. I guess it's kind of like that.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I am Curious to know if anyone has ever thought ZYNGA Is Behind the BlackMarket Loot trade?

    And the Loot cloners Zynga Employees......

    I mean Zynga has shown that it money hungry before..... and why not like this? I Still think Zynga is mostly in control of the game trade as items even thought they may become more common they are still rare due to them being hoarded....

    I now they don't like people trading loot for Game cards..... But suspect the Selling sites ARE Zynga as Zynga would sue and shut them down due to copyright infringements+Selling items that they don't actually own.... If ONline game companys shut down sites with hints and tricks to make it easier why would an online company allow their products to be sold by another company unless the online game company has an interest in it......

    But who really knows..... Try this..... Set up a dud profile... get a few k mafia members..... get to a high level... then offer to sell loot to one of those loot sellers advertised..... They instantly ask for FB id.... And check to see how long till your FB or MW account gets Suspended Lol... I won't try cause I barely have time for 1 account ;)

  2. Well said Jen!

    Though you may 'indirectly benefit from the black market' - your readers (myself included) benefit from all that you do.

    So really if you dont like an add dont click it! I personally think the loot ads are much better page decoration than half naked chicks that are on most pages. just saying . . .

    And if anyone knows of an industry that doesn't have a black market, I'd be curios to know. Greed is one of the things that keeps any industry going.

    Keep up the great work Jen!

  3. Jennifer - this is YOUR blog and you can and should do with it whatever you want!

    You put so much time and effort into this that you should be compensated.
    The fact that you use advertising instead of charging the users (yes, users) of your blog is a sign of your dedication to all the players and how much you care.

    As far as I'm concerned, I don't begrudge you a penny you make off the ads; but you probably don't even make enough to cover your costs. You do not owe an explanation for anything you do here - as I said at the beginning of this post: it's your blog and you do with it whatever you want to!!
    Renate Beedon

  4. Well said, Jen.. You pour out all my pains!
    Hope Zynga realizes this and start thinking right!
    If they want to stop loot seller, they have to be fair and stop them all at once..
    This is your blog.. you can do whatever you want.
    I support you in all the way! :)
    Keep up the great work, Jen!

  5. I'm with the previous posters Jen "Well Said"......I appreciate the time and hard work you put in to bringing us the best mafia blog out there. The info you share is invaluable to me, there are times where without it I would be a very frustrated player. From a user that supports everything on your blog including the ads I thank you for all that you do :)))

  6. I think it would be awesome if one single company would embrace the market for what it is really worth. The market is a truly powerful tool and if Zynga stopped controlling it so tightly, we'd be in better shape. They could start selling for RP or straight up cash and then there would be competition in the market and legitimacy to what the other sellers do. As long as other sellers are gaining the items through legit means.

    I think a company would see an explosion of purchases if they embraced what has always been considered the "black market" of the gaming industry.

    I'd also love to see Zynga set up a trade platform within the game. If developed fully it could be pretty epic. You wouldn't need notes for different sites and you'd have instant feedback/safety net of trades if the system could track what had been sent to whom.

    I could go on and on, but I'll stop there.
    I still can't believe that people buy from those sites....if they just applied that money to game cards, they could trade for like 1/3 of the price.

  7. NIGHTMARE FOR MWLOOT LADYMay 3, 2011 at 2:00 AM

    Nice Article to gain support. lol

  8. NIGHTMARE FOR MWLOOT LADYMay 3, 2011 at 2:08 AM

    It doesnt matter how much the advertising agencies are earning, you still get some revenue from the black market associsation. Even if it is a $1, by having these black market advertisements are having a negative appeal on your blog.

    Your blog is fantastic. But for the sake of small revenue you are getting the 3rd party advertisements.

    One way you claim to be against the mafia wars loot sales and the other way to run the blog you are getting these advertisements. Its hypocrisy at its best.

    You should appeal for donations rather than relying on advertisement clicks.

    I can see people support your views and opinions, you should get them to donate big.

    I am sure i have done enough publicity for you to receive big donations on paypal.

  9. I'm not after donations. If people want to make them than that's great, if not, I don't plan to treat anybody any differently. I have nothing against the people who sell loot. It's against the TOS and it's their choice to take the risks and it's a personal choice to buy it. It's Zynga's job to stop the black market not mine or any other players.


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