May 10, 2011

Defeat Roughhouse Rafael (Codes Included)


The Boss Fight Event is slowly rolling out to players. I don't have it so I'll be using images that fans have posted on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page. Find the Boss Fight on your Home Page Current Events Modules.
The little yellow question mark will contain all the information you need to know. I showed you a fews posts down where you get all of the consumables known as Ammo. You can also buy all of them except for the Shotgun Blasts from this screen for 1 Reward Point.
Boss Fights are on the Operations Page. Click Fight to begin. Make sure you are at full health before you start. You can also use the Home Page Module to start.
You combinations will show on the bottom of the screen. If you get one right, you will do extra damage.
If you run out of health, you can heal yourself right from the Boss Fight. It would be best to do the fight in the destination you wish to heal in.
I tried the combo below for the Bronze Level and it didn't work for me so I'm not sure when and where this combination can be used. Shotgun Blast + Knuckles Punch + Knife Slash +Shotgun Blast.
Arahan found the second combination which is a Knife Slash + Knife Slash + Knife Slash + Knife Slash.
Here is the page which will track the right combinations for each amount of damage.
Joe was able to defeat Roughhouse Rafael on the Bronze Level but said it requires a lot of consumables.
The Mastery Item is a Asphalt Assault and has the best stats on the Gold Level.

Many thanks to Antônio, Arahan and Joe for all the help and screen shots. Arron Malfia started a discussion thread for players to post winning and losing combinations. Go here for the winners and here for the losers.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I can buy the shotgun blasts for 1 RP on my screen

  2. Hellooooo!!!!! ty for info!

  3. both combos worked for me....thnx :D

  4. Big Mafia = Tons of Shotgun Blast xD

    Thx Loot Lady

  5. anyone got mission combo yet?

  6. Looks like a limit of 35 per day now, atleast from gifting

  7. shot gun have unlimited stock from news feed

  8. where the weapon loot drop from jb???

  9. Anyone got the 3rd combo yet?? Think I'll wait till all 3 are known. ;~)

  10. 20k health on Silver Mastery
    35k health on Gold Mastery =)

  11. how can we get the shotgun ammo faster and many?

  12. Drops from jobs?? Tried several jobs and used over 2000 enegy, no knifes... Does anyone know whiich jobs that pay???

  13. Hoover Dam...second from the top

  14. That's very helpful, thanks! Greg.

  15. tried hoover dam..not dropping...

  16. Italy-->Eternal city-->Set A Trap For Di Rossi's Top Capo worked for me dopped about 16 knives

  17. Above it said this one doesn't work:
    Shotgun Blast + Knuckles Punch + Knife Slash +Shotgun Blast.

    That's because it's backwards.
    Shotgun + Knife + Knuckles + Shotgun.
    The pics go from right to left, not left to right. I messed up the first time I did it too.

  18. Combo n°3 : Crack the Bat -> Shotgun Blast -> Shotgun Blast -> Shotgun Blast

  19. 1. Shotgun Blast + Knuckles Punch + Knife slash + Shotgun Blast
    2. Shotgun Blast + Knife Slash + Knuckle Punch + Shotgun blast
    3. Knife Slash -> Knife Slash -> Knife Slash -> Knife Slash

  20. What is the 3rd CODE

  21. Does anyone else have problems with Free Gift Get-A-Nator?

  22. Why do you guys need anything other that the Shotgun blasts, you can get 50 a day from gifting, untold 2x when posted in the feed, the oother 2 weapons are Mickey Mouse, this Mission is easy, however I heard do not start the 3rd round until a regular Mission is posted, so just keep saving the shotgun blasts for the final go round, its pretty simple, but probably the biggest joke from Zynga as of yet.

  23. bat, bat, knuckle, bat.... i just unlocked the red mission combo

  24. Is today the last day to fight the boss. I finished one round try to gather more weapons for round two. Don't know if I should fight today or have enough time to ammo up.

  25. Roughhouse Rafael disappeared from my operations. i may not have finished in time, but i have completed all four of the associated missions. does his boss fight come back?


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