May 10, 2011

Boss Fight Consumables


The consumable items needed for the upcoming Boss Fight event are now dropping in jobs, fights and robs.
You should start getting as many of these items as possible. Once the Boss Fight is live, you will need them.
The Shotgun Blast is available on the Free Gift Page.
I found a Knife Slash while doing a job in New York.
Angie found a Crack of the Bat while Robbing.
Joe and Arahan found a Knuckles Punch while fighting.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i dont see any boss in my main page...educate me pls...:D

  2. The first attack combo is using the cane 4 times.

  3. damn the drop rates are so low

  4. Yes, it seems in order to complete it you'll be shellin out some CAAASH! took me at least 100 various consumables to beat the FIRST one

  5. Nothing happen in Italy. Jobs and Fight. I dont know whether it's due to drop rate or they just won't drop in italy but with 1296 stamina i doubt it's drop rate


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