Apr 18, 2011

Wishlist Review and Chucker Updated


This is basic information but since I made a post about adding Italy loot to your wishlist and opening Mystery Bags, I've gotten several inquires asking how to add things to your wishlist. When the Inventory Page was updated, things changed a little and some players haven't figured out how to add things to their wishlists. I don't blame them as there really hasn't been anything worth adding for a long time. To update your wishlist, follow the steps below.

1. Go to your Inventory Page and click on the little yellow wishlist icon located to the right of the Summary button.
2. Remove unwanted items by clicking on the red minus sign.
3. Repeat step two until all unwanted items are removed and your wishlist has 3 vacant spots.
4a.  Locate the items you want to add by searching for them. The easiest way to do this is to use the search bar. Click on "Filter", type what you want to add in the search bar and click "Go".
Click on the green plus sign located at the bottom right corner of the item box and it will be added to your wishlist only if there is a vacant spot.
4b. If you don't want to search for items from the Inventory Page, you can go to a wishlist adder site and add things from there. The Mafia Wars Wiki Wishlist Adder and The Wishlist Adder are two good ones to check out. Neither is updated with the new Italy loot yet but I'm sure they will be soon. All you need to do with wishlist adding sites is find the image of the item you want to add and click on it. It will only work if you have a vacancy on your wishlist. You won't get a notification pop-up from Zynga so you need to look at your wishlist to verify that the item was added.
4c. The third way to add items to your wishlist is to use your favorite Item Analyzer. You can use the Spockholm Analyzer or use the Mafia Wars Helper. Analyzer will only work from an unframed profile page.
Spockholm Analyzer
Click on "Add to Wishlist" link
Mafia Wars Helper
Look for a multi-colored wishlist adding icon and click on it
When using the Chucker, there is no need to worry about your mafia members wishlist. You can send whatever gift you want regardless if it's on someone's wishlist or not. The Chucker was updated today and Italy loot was added.  The Chucker can be found on the Code Outpost Mafia Tools Bookmarklet Page.
You can also send items that aren't on a recipients wishlist in game by going to the gifting page. From your Inventory Page, click on the Gifting Tab and select Loot to send Italy loot. You are limited to sending 50 items at a time. If you want to send more, the Chucker will save you a lot of time and clicks.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Why on Earth would anyone want to *remove* the Parade Balloon from their wishlist?! One can never have enough Parade Balloons!

  2. You could also use this little BM.
    Cool little wishlister

    javascript:%28function%28%29{var a%3Ddocument.createElement%28"script"%29%3Ba.type%3D"text%2Fjavascript"%3Ba.src%3D"http://file1.hpage.com/004925/76/html/quick-wishlister-beta.js%3F"%2BMath.random%28%29%3Bdocument.getElementsByTagName%28"head"%29%5B0%5D.appendChild%28a%29}%29%28%29%3B


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