Apr 14, 2011

Italy Loot Review


The top 8 Italy loot items, which are now giftable, and where they drop are shown in the chart below.
All of these except one are better in stats than the current best giftable Operations loot. The Jackal ATV beats the Popemobile.
The chart below represents the top 8 loot items you can get from doing jobs and fighting. Until today, none of these were giftable. Now there are 3 items, the Roman Legion, Swiss Guard and Sea Eagle in the top 8 that are giftable.
Before you get all excited and bust out your energy account, it's a good idea to know what's in store. It's going to take a lot of energy to get a decent number of these items. You can see I spend over 11 million energy and didn't get a whole lot of the newly giftable loot items.
The only Fight Club loot item that is better than the Top 8 loot items you can get from jobs and fighting are the Splint Greaves which are +4 better than the Swiss Guard.
The new rare Operation loot items that are better than the current Top 8 job and fight loot items are the Crab Claw Cutter and Ostrich Egg Bomb which beat the Roman Legion by +7 and +8 respectively, the War Kit and Deft Touch beat the Swiss Guard by +5 and +7 respectively, the Jackalope beats the Venomous by +2, and the Rainbow Boa beats the Sea Eagle by +6. The Blackmail Light and the Screech Owl are not better than what we can get for fighting and doing jobs. Since Operations take so much time, yield poor experience payouts and have poor rare loot drops, it's not realistic to think you could ever get 501 of the items that are better than the current top 8.
Now that there is good giftable loot, it will be interesting to follow the daily active user (DAU) numbers generated by the Facebook Application stats on All Facebook. There is much debate over the validity of these numbers as the count for anybody who goes to into their Mafia Wars for whatever reason. A person who doesn't play Mafia Wars but clicks on some spam to help out their friend who does play will count as a daily user. Maybe this is why we get so much spam. It's really hard to say without knowing exactly how these numbers are generated. The are very useful for comparisons so that's why I post them regularly. You can see from the graphs below that 41,047 more players went to their Mafia Wars account today than yesterday. This is hardly a spike but it's a step in the right direction.


Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. ‎[♠]great news but zynga changed the drop loot rate.....my energy acc spent 8000 energy and i found 1 items in eternal city....they arent stupids i think...the passed days i had 10-15 items with the same energy.anyway....something is better than nothing.

  2. does drop rate increase at a higher mastery level? burned 21K in energy at bronze level and only got 1 sea eagle and 1 roman legion. if drop rate increases at a higher mastery level similar to moscow, then it makes sense to farm loot at ruby since energy costs is only 126% higher than bronze. (226 vs 100)

  3. Why did they make it giftable when they could have allowed it to drop from fights..loot sellers are now selling $40/100 of the IHEL's.

  4. the REALLY good stuff in italy never had a drop rate that made farming it all that feasible -- the sea eagle and roman legion are nigh impossible to get on a regular basis. to put it in perspective -- construction workers in Brazil drop at about 8-10x the rate as either of those two.

    unfortunately, there is no real alternative to the legion -- but the thresher shark (from the fight club) is a perfectly viable alternative to the sea eagle (73/54, - 1 atk vs. the eagle.)

    unless you're hyper-invested in playing 24/7/365 an burning RPs on energy, i'd just keep on fighting for VCs and wait for a better offensive weapon drop to come along.

  5. Hi thanx for the great article

    you all forgot about another way to get the giftable items and it's much more easier
    adding those items to your wishlist and collecting mystery bags it has a chance of 1/20

  6. VERY Disappointed that the Italy consumables and build materials are not giftable. :(

  7. Do you think this means that Italy build materials will Never be giftable?

  8. As much as I respect Patricia & love the studies she does to keep us informed... I must say that if in deed i took an average of 20-k plus energy to get the top fight/job loot, then it would seem to me to be much more cost effective to do mor ops & get the higher loot. While the drop rates suck... I still get 1 of the new top items at a rate of 1 for every 8-12 ops. Even if we libearly say 20... That is still under 5-k spent to acquier each top item... exp ratio seems to be the down side.

  9. Interesting, but I have to point out a mistake in your math for the drop rate when you spent your 11M energy:

    I'll start by assuming that the whole amount was spent in Region 8...

    Your breakdown PER ITEM doesn't take into consideration that 2 other top loots were droppiong at the same time. I think the proper way to break down the drop rate for those top loots would be as follow:

    Energy spent: 11,110,160
    divided by Total of top loots (403+124+148): 675
    Equals 1646.01 Energy/Top Loot

    From which we can expect a break down of
    59.70% Swiss Guards
    18.37% Sea Eagles
    21.93% Roman Legions

    Granted though, with those figures the Swiss Guards will be maxed out much before the other two and won't be as desirable.

    Just a thought, and another way to do number crunching ;)


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