Apr 4, 2011

FarmVille Sweepstakes Popup


I don't know about you, but I originally chose to play Mafia Wars because it wasn't FarmVille.  There is a FarmVille English Countryside Sweepstakes and you will get a pop-up notification the next time you log into Mafia Wars! I say so what.
I don't really have much of a first farm and could care less about having a second one. What's this Sheep Breeding anyways? It sounds kind of perverted to me. Anyways, if you miss the pop-up, look for the ad on your Home Page.
For all the rules and details, go to the FarmVille Sweepstakes Tab of the FarmVille Fan Page. If I'm not getting a stamina refill or something in Mafia Wars, I think I'll pass.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. indifferent.......

  2. Sheep breeding pervertous !? Ok i don´t want to know what you are thinking about *rofl*, but this Popup is only anoying. If it were a Popup for a game similar like Mafia Wars it would be ok, but Really if you play Unreal, Counterstrike, Medal of Honor & Call of Duty, you´ll never buy Games like Cake Mania...

    Greetz from Germany
    yours Frank The Tank

  3. "I don't know about you, but I originally chose to play Mafia Wars because it wasn't FarmVille." lol, way to go, way to show zynga that their games suck.It is kind of like by TV's soup operas, you either watch that one or that one or that one, and of course you hate all the others, but you definitely watch at least one, and you consider it to be the best, eventhough, of course, they are all the same crap.

  4. England, where the men are men and the sheep are scared.


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