Apr 1, 2011

Event Fatigue


I've about had it with these back to back events. I've added a poll to the top right column of this blog and hope you will participate. Maybe if we get enough responses, Zynga will listen. The point has been made on the Forums, Get Satisfaction and the Player Advisory Committee. Maybe this will help. Please share and have your mafia take the poll as well. Leave comments if you want to say more about this issue.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I don't love them but cannot ignore them. They DO irritate me to point of wanting to puke and I AM considering quitting the game.

    I have cut back my play significantly...I am just waiting to see if things get cleaned up or what.

  2. i love back to back events :) more HIGH END LOOTS ;)

  3. too bad it's the 1st april, they might take this for a joke...

  4. I realy hate them and they got me irritated and angry cause they destroy my game!! I have all ready so many issues with the game wich Zynga is aware of and told them so many times to back off with all these event/missions and other bullshit in one time but they just don't listen and only give me free rp's !! Only this week i have collected over the 125 free rp's cause of the problems and still not fixed and now we get this also. GRRRRR

  5. I don't like them - they started out fun, but now they irritate the pants offa me.

    Getting to the point where I am seriously considering quitting the game as I can't afford to pay out monies to compete with the big guys and the fun is slowly being sucked outta the game for me :(

  6. I don't LOVE them, but I don't hate them either. I think they're ok as long as they would come more rare. I could use a break from collecting all those gifts...

  7. @ zynga: calm down rite now ! your events ruining my game , your pop ups ruining my fights , your limited time events are limited mind events ! "VOTED!" Thank you Lady. Regards

  8. I'm about done with all these damn Beggin' events one after the other without so much as a single days break between the last 3 events... Hell the Brazil Smuggling event hasn't even finished and this one has started..! How about a month or two off and let us play the game without being interrupted with endless pop-ups and gifting... and how about mixing events up... How about a Fight Event for a change..!

    Oh how I wish the "Beat the Devs" Event was REAL..!

  9. They Suck! Having them once in a while is okay, but this has gotten to the point it is nutso! I want to play the game . . . not have to send and receive gifts constantly! Give us game action . . . not gifting!

  10. I like the events, but not 3 at a time simultaneously !!! a little bit less event (and ONE at a time), a little bit challenging events, and a bit stronger rewards... in a few words: more bang for buck but less often, in my opinion this would be great

  11. if instead of creating new events they would A. repair bugs on existing stuff, B.update existing stuff (robbing loot, crime spree loot, etc.) and/or C.add new districts, perhaps even 5 new not just another 3...if they would have done any of theese instead of a new event I would be far happier..

  12. wheres the link to the poll?

  13. ~~Just when I was about to cut my playing time for once so I can get a FREAKING BREAK (and enjoy the summer days) from all the spamfest and other crap the game throws at us consistently for days, weeks or hell even months! >:(~~

    I do love the events because I collect at least one of each item in said events but it's getting to the point where PEOPLE CAN'T LEAVE THE GAME FOR ONE DAY WITHOUT MISSING SOMETHING THAT HAS HAPPENED/STARTED ON THE VERY DAY THE PERSON TAKES A BREAK (It's really irritating to say the least). If Zynga's ultimate goal is to keep us literally glued to our seats permanently and be mindless click monkeys, then they've already achieved it. Give us a well-deserved break for once and let us, the players, ENJOY THE GAME AS OF NOW WITHOUT GIFTING/SPAMMING EVENTS HAVING TO CREEP ON US ONE AFTER ANOTHER AND MOST OF ALL, FIX ANY AND ALL PROBLEMS ON THE DANG GAME!!!!!!!!!

    Please, Zynga...even for just one day...GIVE US A BREAK...please.
    ~ Jenina aka [C4] Silent Mercenary

  14. I LOVE ZYNGA [MWEdan]

  15. They're ok every few weeks, but there should be a break in between of at least 4-6 weeks. I was one that did not vote for mini games in the first place, anticipating every single on of them to be a beg and spam fest. And most in my Mafia did not expect them to show up one after the other. We spend more time hunting those darn gifts than we actually spend on playing the game. For me, it is ruining my gameplay up to a point where find myself on facebook without even checking in on Mafia Wars. I ignored the masks, will ignore this one, and other upcoming ones, too. Too much of a hazzle for 3 or 4 pieces of good loot. I had hoped they at least bring on an occasional fight event in between all this crap.

  16. I'm still trying to collect contraband... now this! Give me a break!

  17. A mini event here or there is one thing, but they are putting one on top of another on top of another... there is no time to play the game itself! Over 300 2 year plus players left the game this week over Zynga bs.... plain tired of the hassle.

    Zynga says they are working hard to increase our gaming enjoyment, but honestly it feels more like they are sucking the enjoyment right out of it!

    Plus the fact that they do not bother to fix the broken things first before adding more garbage just makes it worse!

  18. Off topic for a second... Loot Lady, from all of us serious daily players... you ROCK! Thank you for all the hard work you have put into keeping us informed and up to date on everything! Much respect from all of us at {UIH}

  19. Im getting a lil sick of this as well... Easily to the point of quitting.

    Now for me actually completing these events isnt hard (5k Mafia members ftw :D) but with all these events its really hard to get hold of stuff like special weapons parts...

    Atm we have to send:
    Endangered Animal
    Weapons Cache
    Ammunition (For that weapon that does nothing for me but isnt the case for everyone)
    and now false identity's!!

    How am i supposed to get any special weapons parts or mystery bags??? Its a joke...

    Sending out these gifts is near impossible too. How am i supposed to help most of my mafia if i have all this to send out??? You only get 40 requests per Hour or so anyway =s

    Im firmly on the side of stopping these events almost all together. I dont like them and only complete them because everyone in my mafia is trying there best to get them done and i try to help them with it.

    My 2 pence anyway :D

  20. They irritate the hell out of me... but I do them like the little click-monkey I am. :(

  21. Sree~ĆĦÂЯØИ™April 1, 2011 at 6:44 AM

    I have been a daily player for exactly 2 years with the completion of March.. I have missed the game on only 2 occassions for roughly a week each.Being a skills freak i'm glad to get loot this way to strengthen my character for fighting than load up energy and loot stuff.
    But then having lik 3 events at the same time is plain f*n bullshit and heights of annoyance! Its like zynga is so hungry for our $ so we use our RP to complete events where we fall short. I have spent my fair share over the years but i really feel they are taking the fun out of the game by making it more lik a chore than an enjoyment.
    This madness really needs to stop and we need to be able to enjoy the features thn break our heads over it

  22. Whats the big deal guys there is a really really simple solution to the mini games if you dont like them - DONT PLAY THEM JUST IGNORE THEM - no biggy no drama no fuss. On a more important note Thankyou so much for this awesome page of amazing information and all the time you put into getting it all together:)

  23. I agree with most of what has been written, but it is very clear that this is how Zinga makes its money. Those events are getting shorter in order to have players spend some real $$$ so the can finish those event and get the big stats items ;-(
    But the spamming, begging that is required for all those parts is now intolerable. Add the time requirements to play and its a full time game. Too much!

  24. I am addicted but getting tired of this game. Too many events one on top of another.
    One day I might quit.


  25. I am finished with all the cities, so these lame ass events is all I got until the open something new. Blargh.

  26. You cant really ignore them, because others are counting on you to help out with their's so you have to click and send. the loot is good, no doubt about that... but there are just to many one after another and at the same time. I think people like them, just cant deal with the mass amount of them.

    As for the one who said he is done with all cities... then get out there and fight.... there is a lot of fun that can be found there too.

  27. They could at least change the concept/format...Only spaming is not fun at all.

  28. Most of us love the high end loot. While it is true that you can get some good loot, you are not getting ahead at all. At best, you will just stay even and not fall behind while others (comparatively) get stronger. It takes me a lot of time each day to return gifts to my Mafia and even more to beg for what I need to complete the latest silly event to get the loot. This back-to-back-to-back mode is taking a lot of the enjoyment out of the game for me. I would like to see them spread out with a couple of weeks (at least) break in between them. Enough already!

  29. I've been around from the beginning and this game is not much fun anymore. The thrill is gone for sure and it is now just monotonous. If it were not for the friendships I would be gone. Where did the "War" in MW's go.

  30. Its getting to be a full time job just begging for the crap! If it was not for friends I would be gone....

  31. Thank you for this and words can't describe how much I hate the back to back to back to back spamming and other events. Meanwhile it takes ~1 week to get a response from email support since even after 2 hours of refreshing I can't bring up chat support. They most definitely are driving me away and have always caused a few close friends to quit and block the game.

  32. I hate these back to back events. I especially hate the stupid pop-ups in the fight screen. I can't believe while I am attempting to ice someone I am forced to wait while the screen loads a mini game...unfreaking believable. Whoever thinks these things up obviously doesn't play the game. Not to mention that every one of these event's creates more glitches and impediments to the game. I've been playing for 2 years and the game is getting to be less fun and more tedious with the constant begging and spamming that is required. I will never play another Zynga game.

  33. I dont know what all you pussies are crying about, I complete all these damn things way in advance of them closing. You just need a good mafia.

  34. My dear friends The last event i BRAZIL I cant finish zynga is blick now for 5 day in the road and cant completed the mission is sucks

  35. All this event's are sux
    can't make a normaly game play, without this f*** popup to show

  36. most are over before I can finish them and it's rather annoying in the first place to have them back to back to back. I wish they'd work on fixing wthey can retire the pig
    And while they are fixing things work on the bug in poker gift tokens

  37. if they add skill points for the spam events it will be worth it
    other then that in this rate we will all use 501 spam event items

  38. Toooo much begging and searching wall for posts and links , great for those with huge active Mafia families but way to much for those who just want to have fun and enjoy the game

  39. *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
    i am pissed. I am sick and tired of these Fooking events.

  40. They never end! It is sucking the life out of the game. Last week I had just worked like a dog to get my last broken thing and literally 10 minutes later the next begging chore event started up. REALLY? Not even a short break to let us feel we accomplished something? COME ON. I am seeing hard core players quitting left and right because it is just NOT FUN ANYMORE.

  41. This is what the players of Mafia Wars voted on. This is what the majority wanted, when asked. They made their beds, now they have to sleep in them.

    If you don't like the events don't do them. It is not required to complete the events for you to play the game. But, it seems like MWs has turned in to a big bunch of cry babies, who bitch and moan about everything.

  42. they did this with all their games. been putting up with it for too long. going back to sorority life.

  43. haha, days left to vote ... 6 days ...

  44. Please... most people did not vote on this on purpose... nor did they expect to have mini events on top of each other, multi mini events going on at the same time nor did they expect them to open a new city and then toss many mini's at them at the same time.

    that voting was bs... i clicked on it expecting to be given a chance to vote... no where did it say you are voting YES automatically... i expected to be able to vote yes or no on each one... but no, Zynga went the fraud route.

    as for crybabies.. please.. you dont everyone of you who have said this do not even sign in with your name... Anonymous ;) kind of funny and bit fishy in my opinion.

  45. They make me want to Puke & most likely to quit the game very soon.

    these events need to stop, maybe once a month or when there is a world / big event, not every week

    they made MW trashy like those other games that send help request rather than gift (regarding mini energy packs), i have 45 energy help request since the morning, (inbox is limited to 100gifts) plus brazil crew, mission crew requests, this is wasting my daily gift sends & am losing gifts.


  46. that good that this kind of pages, where you can expose your tastes and linquiétude.

    _They Irritate me.

  47. It is very S**** and F***. Impossible to keep going like this, we need to keep sending sending sendig, like it is a never ending story.
    My req inbox is sooooooo full it stays on 100 req i believe that is the max but this is very s*** gifting collecting enso on.
    Before we had opps for rewards now it is only gifting they need to change this. Mission are ok and opps also but the gifting part need to stop also in the mission to ask for mafia help is crazy everybody is just sending and dont know if it is accepted. They have to stop it because it spoils the game, the other gifts for building materials is almost stoped or special parts and things like that you need to start every time over and over to get something so you can build a limited vehicle or weapons, these are better to send and receive, but the shitty shit things like contraband and dont remeber the thing before can do once every three months or less.

    You guys of zynga really suck big time, a game is to have fun not to stress you to your friends and back again, it is fucked up and when time is runing out you get more frustrated.

    I think there is a good story behind it but it went tooo far we canot keep going like this.
    STOP IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Doug maybe you should go around randomly clicking buttons to vote for something, if you don't know what you are doing.
    All the D-bags that voted for this, is the reason why we have so many of these events.

  49. Let's be honest here folks - the only people who don't NEED to participate in these events to keep up are the CC players. The average Joe who isn't spending money on the game doesn't have much option but to try to complete these thinks to keep their mafia A&D competitive with other non-CC players. I'm personally sick and tired of one after another. I used to enjoy the mini events back when they were an about once a month thing. Three at once is just too much - they do indeed make me want to puke!

  50. WAY TOO MANY BACK TO BACK!!!! I like them if they would come like once a month or something...not once a dang week!!!

  51. NO MORE GIFTING WARS I want MAFIA WARS back...... how about some fight events!!!!

  52. They make me want to quit the game....I say bring back all the boss fights with lots of XP's to level and see how strong we all have become......
    my 2 cents worth

  53. I used to love them now they make me want to puke and maybe quit the game. But I won't quit the game cause my clan needs their GM. I hate always asking for something all the time I'm not getting the parts i need anymore.

  54. You are all MORONS! If you like the events then play them..If you dont like them then dont play them.. Its all about your greed in the long run! You idiots would BITCH if they hung you with a new rope! Im sick of hearing you complaine about everything! LOOKIMG FORWARD TO ICING YOU ALL! Giv it up loot hag!!

  55. Page load sucks everytime they add an event they sow things way down to the pointof frustration dont give a shit about the events but it takes forever for pages to load accept ro sned gifts and they still hhavent fixed the pop up issue cant get crime spree oh but they can roll on with these lame events and spam

  56. Events are for people who pay real money and those of us who can't afford to end up quitting the game after playing for a couple of years :(

  57. Make me want to puke, I love to play but cant be on here 24-7 With all the events you almost have to or you cant finish anything. You know when one is on the way cause everything starts screwing up. I have thought about quitting lately its just too much!

  58. I just dont have time for every dang event! I haven't touched any of the regular levels because I'm to busy with everything else ALL the time...and shit if i wanted to beg all the time I would become a Bum! I was die hard hardcore back when it was missions and fighting(Nothing better than the old battles amongst clans for fun) but this is just too much

  59. If you don't like events, then don't do them! Why is that a difficult concept?

  60. I hate them.... back to back that is.... c'mon zynga.... give us a week or two in between to get caught up, we're only allowed so many requests per day and i'm hearing complaints of not being able to get the required items for building due to the constant barrage of events :(

  61. You ppl need to lrn2 calm down.
    Legit reasons to be annoyed (as stated above):
    1) My laptop can handle counterstrike fine, but MW somehow lags it to all hell. This "game" has no 3D animations, so there is absolutely no excuse for it to lag more than counterstrike. The tons of events only make this problem worse. My desktop is ok, but I'm not always on the desktop.
    2) Even if we're trying to ignore these events, our "friends" are not. They continually gift/request back these useless "gifts" when they could either not waste our time or send us/request something actually valuable.

  62. I refuse to do them as of today. Period. This spy thing was the last straw. Don't care if anyone gets ahead of me, or much stronger because they don't have a life or the sense to say no to these events. I just don't care anymore. Thanks Zynga. You've helped me get back to having a real life.
    See.. anything other than playing your "game" is better than sitting here working my ass off trying to keep up. Not doing it anymore.

  63. WORKING on this game lately is not fun anymore.
    I'd rather be out pulling weeds in the garden, mowing the grass or scraping barnacles off the boat. Thanks Zynga

  64. I am voting both "irritated" and "want to puke." Frankly, I hate to beg my mafia for items. We have real lives, not just the virtual one on MW.

    Let's hope Zynga gets the hint.

  65. MW is lahanat..
    i need to stick on my pc spam gifting message to other player...
    Zynga should give a break between the event..
    goblok sungguh..

  66. I am voting to "want to puke". They are annoying, I hate begging and are SO NOT worth the reward at all... - doing nothing for the attack or defense. They are ruining the game and all these pop ups just stink. I also hate when I am trying to bank money - it gets stolen because of a pop up. UGH! I hope somebody at zynga really reads these comments.

  67. I don't like them, but have no choice to do them. I am maxed on every piece of loot in the game and have finished every city and mission. They are the only way to increase my equipment stats.

  68. I play the game. I always do and I am good at it but I am working, and lately I cant keep up with the the game events even if i want to complete it. WHY? because i can't seem to do it as they demand so much things to do lately in MW. What? You think all the people who play this game do not work? Some of us work and have life to live so don't feed us with so much things to do here. I am getting fed up and starting to hate the game. It irritates me.

  69. enough is enough ... please stop ... need air

  70. It really irritates me and want to puke! You can only gift to so many people a day. You are trying to meet your quota on the events, and at the same time you need to send out stuff to peeps that you need. You also need to return items too. Stamina is a big issue to. There is fighting, robbing and missions etc.
    We have way to many options, and not enough to spend.

  71. Voted by ticking 3,4 and 5, but it's not the events per say that "irritate me, make me want to puke and quit the game", but the fact that they are back to back and/or overlapping.

    The mad race for the hearts and masks was exhausting and the damn 3x items that we need 28 of each and do over again 3 times is also quite a bit of work. Now we have another 6 days or so of begging a scurrying for those False Identities, while we barely finished the last mad dash for collecting Weapons Caches etc and there is still almost 4 days left on the Take Back the Street timed mission.

    Enough is enough. I enjoy reaping the goodies and I do enjoy some variety but dammit, just give us a couple of days to breathe between each event.

    Like someone I know said so well, the only reason we DO those is because we are competitive, NOT because we like them or their frequency.

  72. I agree. I've actually just thrown in the towel on Mafia Wars. It used to be a pleasant diversion. Now it's like a full time job. I especially *HATE* the overlapping events. I'm done. Goodbye, Zynga.

  73. It is beginning to feel less and less like playing a game, and more like getting the chores done. Who needs that!

  74. This used to be SO MUCH FUN and now it is NOT FUN but a boring chore of begging and then begging some more. Am about ready to say bye bye Zynga.

  75. What's with all of you complaining about these minigames? If you don't like them then ignore them. Who makes anyone play something they don't like?

    I personally love these. They add something to do to the game and stop me from completing the game as quickly if I didn't play them. With Spockholms bookmarklets you really don't have to beg for items to complete them and they make strong players like myself even better.

    Sorry but they need to stay if only because the drop rates in Brazil suck so bad that we can't loot items like we were able to in Bangkok. This is the easiest way for us to get items and get better so I don't see the problem with them.

  76. We want our old game back, where we knew our family members by name, never had to beg for anything, we always looked out for each other. It used to be a lot of fun, now its a chore, panhandling for items to play the game - its just NOT right :-(

    Ready to throw in the towel and say goodbye.

  77. Even if you do all of the events as they come, It only bumps you up a tiny bit overall, God help lower-level players. The only people I really see getting ahead are the ones who burned hard-earned RL yankee greenbacks to buy their way to the top, like 501 Promo Japanese fans or ATK 280 Platinum-level rifles. For anyone who says "BORED!" stop spending time and money on this and enjoy some quality time with people you really care about, either on FB for RL. It does wonders for your sanity.

  78. Well it makes me feel like quitting, & I would, but too many lower levels count on us for help. I used to enjoy this game very much, & voted for the fighting events, not the mini games. I've worked hard on my character for 2 years almost....& took pride in my strategy, & accomplishments, but not so much anymore. I had spent a few $$$ on some RP's last year, but not anymore...why? Because this "game" has become a full time job...without pay or any benefits/ & I spend more time playing than I do getting work done that I actually get paid to do~ so I can't afford it anymore. Am I crying? No...just stating the facts as I see them. My name is Sonja, & I am a MW addict....& I'm getting closer to breaking this daily habit, & finding a more relaxing vice. ~Cheers~

    Invite friends to help you crack the safe and collect what's inside.
    CYBER WARFARE Master all 3 for the Grand Prize.Event ends in: 6 Day(s) 19:39:55
    Find False Identities from Gifting, Jobs, Fights and Robbing
    Operations (8)
    Mini Energy Packs: 25% refill
    BUILD A Pay Back 65/43 TIME REMAINING 6 Day(s) 05:33:30

  80. It really makes me want to quit and vomit at the same time

  81. It's 2nd post on this thread... I only voted once, but in light of the crap that just got dumped on us, I decided to throw the towel on anything Zynga. Enough is enough, I don't log on to work and get aggravated, I log on to play and have fun.

    And it is not fun anymore, it's mostly work.

    Adding a timed mission AND another one of those damn 3x 28 items to BEG for over the False Identites event just did it for me. Oh, and that stupid "Crack the Safe" thingy, which sole purpose is to increase their player base... My guess it's that the player count is dwindling, many of my friends have quit the game, I'll have to go check the figures to see where it's at.

    I DON'T BUY that it was too late not to launch those last events overlapping as you stated to PAC a little while back, it takes a few minutes to change the date of launch, more damn lies...

    Anyway it was perfect timing, I just hit my 100,000th Ice a few minutes ago, which was pretty much the goal I set myself about 18-19 months ago.

    My last words to Zynga (Ironic, me? lmao!): Thank you so much for scrapping a good thing. Your greed blinds you to what is really important in the gaming community: cater to your player base, THEY made you what you are.

    Ingrateful bastards, all of you who decide upon the devious schemes to overfill your pockets with our hard earned money. Greed, Lies and Deception, this is what Zynga is all about. Go fuck yourselves Pincus et al. I can't wait until it catches up with you. I sure hope it does, and that it hits all of you VERY hard.

    I'll be spending some of my time on Facebook to expose the many ways which makes Zynga the most unethical game developer humanity has ever encountered, that you can be sure of.

    But then again, you would welcome that as free publicity, so fuck you. Just fuck you all.

  82. Mafia Wars has become VERY boring.

  83. Mafia Wars has become VERY boring.


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