Apr 17, 2011

Crack The Safe Update


Getting 100 Crack The Safe loot items is proving to be more of a challenge than I anticipated. I've had this feature for about days now and I only have 28 items. I still need to add 360 more mafia members (assuming I get credit for everybody, which I've noticed doesn't always happen).
I'm not complaining because at least I have Crack The Safe on my account. Many players still don't. In fact, many don't have Mini Energy Packs or the new Promotion Bonus feature either. If you are one of these players and are not happy about it, let Zynga know by going over to this Get Satisfaction thread started by Kev Ger.
If you want to add quality mafia members to your mafia, go to the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page and look for the add me threads.  Even if you don't have the feature yet, now is a good time to start getting more Facebook friends who play Mafia Wars.
If you're curious, you don't get credit for new mafia members by purchasing Hired Guns in the Marketplace. I tested it out by taking screen shots before and after buying 1 Hired Gun for 1 Reward Point. It's too bad this doesn't work as it would be a lot cheaper than spending 25 Reward Points for a decent Marketplace loot item.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Complaining it seemed you were doing...lol. I don't have it yet on any of my 3 accounts. Just love the fact that so many people are getting stronger while I am just sitting idle waiting for Zynga to roll it out to everyone else....as usual, the same old chit.

  2. nothing yet either....

  3. 5 accounts, zero crack the safe 2.

  4. hi, i got 45 until now but i got the second invite block, need to whait 7 more days to invite again.

  5. i still havent this event :S


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