Apr 12, 2011

Crack The Safe Nerfed Already!


Customer Support has finally released a 411 & FAQ about Crack The Safe. Either there are errors in this page as to how the event works or it was nerfed before many got it.  I would put my money on the later, the 411 guy does a good job.  I still don't have the feature on any of my accounts so I can't test it.  There are now are four steps instead of one in the process.  You get one loot item per step and a mastery item, The Monofin, for completing all four steps. We are told that there is now a cap of 100 items. Prior to this 411, there was only one task, get 5 new mafia members, and there was no limit to how many loot items we could get. I know players who have already have more than 100 of these awesome loot items and the newly imposed limit is not fair to the players who never got the original unnerfed version of Crack The Safe. I predicted this would happen and discussed it on the last episode of Informant Podcast. I sure hope I didn't give them any ideas!

Reprinted on 4/12/2011, click here for updates.

Crack the Safe 411 & FAQ

Updated 04/12/2011 at 17:29

Crack the Safe 411 & FAQ

User-added image
 Here is your chance your build your Mafia and add some valuable loot to your arsenal by completing the Crack the Safe challenge.  This challenge is easier than you might think.  In order to receive the prized mastery reward all you will need to do is complete the following steps.
 Make sure that you have the Mafia Wars game installed
 ‘Like’ Mafia Wars on Facebook
 Increase your Mafia by adding 5 new friends to help
 Allow Mafia Wars to publish to your news stream
User-added image
After each step is completed you will receive one of the following Mastery items.
User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Charging Bull 
Animal Superior 52/97

Half Rack
weapon Superior automatic 97/60

Bottle-nosed Dolphin 
Animal Superior aquatic 98/54

Dolphin Submarine
Vehicle Superior aquatic 55/98
When every step has been completed you will receive the final Mastery item:
User-added image
Q:  When did this event begin
A:  This challenge was slowly rolled out to our players starting on 4/7/11

Q:  How come my friends can see this event but I can't?
A:  As with all of our previous events and challenges, this will be a gradual release to ensure stability within the game.  (Not all players will have initial access to this challenge.)

Q:  When will the event end?
A:  There is currently not a date scheduled for this event to end.

Q:  How many times will I be able to complete this challenge?
A:  There is a limit of 100 times that this challenge can be completed.  If you reach this level your Mafia is sure to rule supreme.

Q:  Can I purchase these items from the Marketplace?
A:  No.  These are limited edition items and they are currently only available by completing this challenge.

Thanks to Henrique for posting the 411 link on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. This means we are fooked before even getting it.

  2. I think the only crack here is the crack Zynga's programmers are smoken! With the list of complaints everyone post and they still don't try to fix, you have to wonder sometimes do they ever test these mini-games they put out. Are the programmers must work on a incentive program, "meaning the more you put out they more you get paid" So I have to say put the crack pipe down and start testing this stuff for a few months before you put it out, don't be in such a rush, trust me we have plenty of mini-games and special event to keep us busy until your testing is done!!

  3. dammit i should have worked a little more to get more of that nerf loots. never thought it was going to this

  4. hey zynga i still dont have this one on my main page!

  5. Dear Jen

    When have MW been fair. They put out some new for some few players and they get all the god loot and stuff.
    As many i have more then 1 acc and its never the same on them, On 2 i can have 16 crew members waiing on 1 i can only have 8.
    The min energy is ok but you have no clue how many you have use and you have to spam the wall and friends to get em.
    All the darn event and mini-game sux
    In a mission i have now . you have to do the job Take Over a Shipyard 15x . If you dont wanna waist your energy after you have master it 1 time , you have to do all the other jobs in recife before you can finish the mission .
    The boss fights is a joke, when they keep on gain life. I have clue how many time i had to ask for help kill them. And you get a answer that they know about the problem and are working on fix it. Yeah they work fast huh . Its soon 1 yr since i start have problem with the boss fights but still they have not fix it

  6. What zynga should do . Is hire the Spockholm team. The this game would be fix in a day or 2. And it would be much easier to play

  7. geez Zynga, w to the t f.

  8. hmmm.. my screen shows only the first picture (above - with the 5 shadow outlines) and I have followed all steps, and one by one the 5 new members fill in.. but at the end I do get ONE loot item... not ONE PER STEP..??!!

  9. Yeah, the second picture with the 4 safes does not show on my account either.....CS is mistaken again....

  10. Cool, maybe there won't be a nerf. Guess we will have to wait and see.

  11. Ill believe it, if i ever see it.
    The 3 5000+ accts...no dice.
    The new -200 acct...nada.
    My gf's acct that i cant add people for new mafia members(she only wants friends she knows, cant argue that)...has access to it. Classic!!

  12. well, i guess pimping myself out for over 200 new mafia members paid off. :)

  13. hmmmm cant we delete mafia wars and re-install ? no safe no mini Epacks no operations :(

  14. This will be what, the 3rd time? I hope I even get it since I did it last time...

  15. It says you can complete this event 100 times!? That can't be right!! It just can't be.. Especially since I guarantee it disappears after you finish it once.. Just like it did last time.. like 6-8 months ago..

  16. Now that there IS a limit, Zynga needs to apply THAT limit to people who have more than 100. That's the only way to make it fair for everyone.

    Yeah, yeah... people who DO have more than 100 will complain... But fair is fair. The nerf should apply to EVERYONE.
    ~ Dee ~


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