I've touched on the subject of the black market within Mafia Wars in the past (1). It mirrors the illegal drug trading global market and is quite predictable. Supply and demand dictate the success or failure of the loot selling business. The existence of a black market in a computer game is actually a good thing as aides in player retention and can stimulate growth. Mafia Wars is no exception. It's clearly defined that selling virtual goods is a Terms Of Service violation and that's what defines the black market. Zynga decides who to target and make examples of but they will never shut the black market down as long as there are virtual goods that can be transfered from one account to another.
On to supply and demand. In the past, getting a large supply of loot was easy to do. The basic and most time consuming way to obtain loot was simply to farm it. There were many glitched or injected accounts and those who had them could repeat jobs over and over until they had all the loot they wanted. There were quite a few accounts that had levels in the millions, billions and trillions. All these accounts were rolled back and a level cap of 25,000 was imposed. Since then, loot drops also became less predictable and were severely decreased. Farming on one account was no longer a viable means to acquire enough loot to sell in bulk. There were no Free Gift limitations and there were scripts that could open the same Mystery Bag over and over again. This could yield tens of thousands of loot items. This was the reason that the Zynga Message Center disappeared on us for a while.
(original image from the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog)
In some parts of the world, Mafia Wars "sweat shops" exist and a lot of loot can be acquired. Zynga was able to connect over 10,000 accounts to the same person and they were all shut down. I have no idea if there are other operations similar to this are still in existence. The last and most effective way to get mass quantities of loot is to use cloning techniques. We saw what this did to the value of Daily Chance Collection items when a cloning script made it's way to the public and was used by the masses.
After this happened, there were many limitations put on gifting. A 6 second delay interval was imposed and gifting items because very time consuming. It was at this point that loot with higher statistics became ungiftable and has been the trend ever since. Zynga loosened up and even made Operation Loot items giftable.

With Italy loot now giftable, they are no signs of them stopping and they control the prices because there is no competition. I could provide more of the information I have but the purpose of this post is to inform my readers of what is going on in the black market and not to rat anybody out. Zynga just claimed that they are "cleaning up the streets" (1). If they are as good as they claim, they should be able to put a stop to this. The challenge will be doing so without destroying the trading market and thus losing more of the player base. You can't blame players for wanting to purchase Italy loot. There is a huge demand as it's almost impossible to farm it through normal game play. Increasing the drop rates would have a positive effect on the players and a negative one on the black market.
Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast. |
Good information but badly redacted
ReplyDeleteAgreed, but redacting isn't possible when there isn't anything else out there to reference. If my intent was to lead people directly to the suppliers then it would have contained more facts. People can take it for what it's worth.
ReplyDeletezynga should in crese loot rate for italy items
ReplyDeleteGreat info Jennifer, I'm an addicted 24/7 player myself and I've enjoyed the game for a long time...
ReplyDeleteI think buying loot from the illegal market is not a good thing and these sites should be removed 'cause they're not fair to the honest players around...
Was using 'Spockholm Link-a-Nator v2.08 beta' and noticed there was an ad in the banner for an illegal 'loot' site...
Hope this was not done intentionally...
Even worse, the ads are on this blog too (googlead)...
ReplyDeleteI've always wondered how people got their hands on hundreds and hundreds of operation loot.oh well, at least maxing on fight loot is a realistic goal in this game.
ReplyDeleteIncreasing the drop rates would have a positive effect on the players and a negative one on the black market.<< PERFECT !!!i agree !
ReplyDeleteEveryone talks about Zynga increasing the drop rate like that would solve the problem. Well Zynga wants us to stop paying people for stolen goods, that is the problem from their perspective. Most of us players, myself included are doing the right thing, spending my money for Reward Points to support the maker of the game we like. If I knew who they were I would rat them out.
ReplyDeleteI realize you are trying to stay neutral but I find the tone of this article to be on siding with the players who think they have a right to have 501 of everything they want so we can all have super special accounts. In the words of Dash Incredible, if everybody is special that just another way of saying nobody is special.
I already made this suggestion numerous times.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to stop loot sellers, offer 500 RPs to players who report these loot sellers (with proof and links) and after a thorough investigation and banning, the RPs are credited to the player's account.
End of loot selling.
no zyngarina becouse the problem is that accounts are only a cover. They can produce the stuff on other account and then moove them. Also if u ban cloners accounts they can easily create new one.... That is not a easy situation i think, Probably the only solution is found the cheater methods and stop them definelty that is the correct rewards, "do u know their method? we will offer you 10000 rps"
ReplyDeleteVG here .....its all crap Loot lady ...ur being hypocrite thats all ....Your info dsnt make even little sense ...on one hand u say we are making loot and on the other hand ur saying becoz of us u cant get cheap italy loot ....if we dnt make loot then expect the prices of top itally loot like sea eagles and romans to be 100$/100 pieces ...we are making the mafia better place for the players who want to be on top ...just like zynga sells reqward points...and in return we are just charging a nominal fee ......
ReplyDeleteYou know that there are people in the world who live on 10 grim reapers a day? How is someone from developed world better than someone from 3world country? I have absolutely no respect for those who buy their loot or RP. NONE! They all should be ashamed as should Zynga staff. There are other means to support developer. Believe me, this "problem" can be solved in 1 day if there was someone who really cared. I am a daily player who loves this game and salute its creators for it but ... whoever runs those profit operation at Zynga or some 3d party: I hope you all choke on your money!
ReplyDeleteI have heard that the producers are working for zynga and there is no way to stop them. Zynga have control of the black market. We all know that cloning, farming and injecting are not possible anymore.. so Zynga have set out some loots to get more profit since allot of ppl are quitting the game for bad platform management!!
ReplyDeletenice article, i enjoyed it. shame some of your readers are tools.. thanks anyway for shedding some light on the matter.
ReplyDeleteTheres an easier way to fix the problem, but zynga has proven themselves to be very short sighted so instead of fixing the problem they create new ones. The fact here is how much profit zynga is losing by trying to stop loot sales. Every time they make an attempt they lose players. I think MW alone lost around 2 million daily players in the last 30 days. if you ask me, any company with long term goals of survival would never take away a part of the game at this point in time. (MB Loot) If Zynga was not so one sided on this they may realize that when a player buys some loot it makes me feel stronger than they were before with a better advantage in the game, i can guarantee they went and bought some skill points to go with that loot... considering either one is worthless without the other. Just because theres a few players out there that will max out their accounts on marketplace items does not mean that zynga is offering anything in competition to loot sellers. sellers actually have the players real goals in mind... to HAVE FUN!
ReplyDeleteI hope Loot Lady takes this on PAC in next meeting as am sure she has much much more info to take care of these guys :)
ReplyDeleteAdditional info :
ReplyDeleteThis whole group produces over 1 million Loot items daily , making over 100K USD daily, its time that we force zynga to take serious action against them (Legal if necessary) - before it ruins et all for everyone and forces zynga to close the game. Start reporting above incident to zynga in unison and I will request Loot Lady to make above names public along with there phone numbers , addresses , profiles etc. Its high time they get the message loud and clear.
I totally agree with Chester. If Zynga is so worried about the black market taking their profit, why not just undercut blackmarket prices and offer 501 bundles to the players? Give the players what they want.
ReplyDeleteI think zynga should take legal action against them to set an example for rest of the people. Then it would be nice to see if so called VG gives same reasoning he has given above.
ReplyDeleteWhy stop loot selling? Its a HUGE market.I profited over $100,000 USD last year selling loot, and I also spent over $100K in Godfather points. I think that zynga should THANK the dealers and offer them jobs with the company. We make the game worth playing for tens of thousands of people. I know I have personally connected with over 7,500 people, and alot of them have become large spenders with zynga, because of my efforts.
ReplyDeleteThere is not viable solution. Zynga was very short sighted when they created the game as it was developed to make $$, where there is money there will always be those trying to make thier own profits from it, they can delete all the accounts they wish, more will be created. I give them kudos for trying but I think it's all in vain. -Lonnie
ReplyDeleteZynga makes it all possible and I won't be surprised if they are somehow connected to each other because I know how black market gets all this loot and what it takes to get it... Unless of course you have direct access to the database where you can update number of items in your inventory with just one query, you'll need a network of computers, you need to set-up all accounts according to their roles (energy, stamina etc), you'll need a caretaker... Imagine electricity cost. IT is us, players and Zynga who make it interesting to set up such operation. I have like 100 different solutions to this problem even though I know nothing about architecture and code of this game... I can't imagine they don't see at least one solution at Zynga. Zynga will lose more players when we begin to realize that this game is designed only for rich and powerful who can afford this loot. Buying items for Farmville or Treasure island isn't the same. We don't fight each other there. There is no win or lose. When I lose a fight to someone who has 501 tainted blades or poison frogs it does not hurt me that much, I want to be like them and there is only respect... but I want to quit playing this game when someone wins with only giftable loot in their inventory... I ask you all forgiveness for "flooding" here with my comments... it's just that I cant keep my mouth shut when comes to MONEY..GREED.. e.t.c.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest point is probably that those who sell the loot, ultimately are the ones who financially support the game. I know many sellers who only sell to buy GFP
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, YOU ARE VERY VERY WRONG! You are saying that using doping when ruuning a marathon is fair and there is nothing wrong with it. Why run at all? You can drive a car to the Finish line. Is that cheating? No, according to you. So I hope your satisfaction from that loot lasts a lifetime!
ReplyDeletewhy are you wasting your money on this game?
VB is not the biggest seller. VB is big, but not the biggest. As I said before, I know all of these people personally, so I have a real good idea of who does what. Your point Lu, is kind of vague. I think it ultimately boils down to the fact that you cannot afford to purchase either loot or godfather points, so you suffer at the hands of us who do.
ReplyDeletebecause some want an illusion of their superiority. Those players can buy and sell everything nowdays. What happened to giving and sharing, helping without asking anything back? I am at level 250. I'm inviting all of you who bought their loot to attack me. I'll be an easy target. maybe that way some players like me would enjoy this game more
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I have enough money. I live in Holland and thought about bying some loot myself when I'm really pissed of, but it would be unfare to someone who lives in Vietnam, like one of my FB friends who can't afford it. I'm not against people trying to sell it... NO. BUT THOSE WHO BUYS IT. Dope injections. Zynga is hypocritical about it. They can make this game fair to everyone.
ReplyDeleteAll is fair in love and war my friend. I honestly say WHO CARES if you can beat me. Lol. Im a legitimate level 2600. Never injected, never bought anything for my account. But thats just one of my accounts. :P
ReplyDeletewhy would someone want to attack a lvl250 player?? (unless you're a bully that is)
ReplyDeletestop bitchin and start playin Lu. I knew beforehand that by lvl450 the sharktank would eat my account alive so guess what, I invested on skill def w/c keeps most (but not all) high lvl predators at bay. am now at lvl900++ w/ a good win/loss ratio due to proper planning.
non-cc player here btw
something wrong with your morals if you think that all is fair in love and war. Selfish and egoistic. feel bad actually that this opinion exists in human kind. When I talk to people like you I become more and more radical in my thoughts how to eliminate all of this. We need reboot to get rid of attitudes such is yours.
ReplyDeleteI gave all my Italy loot to a stronger player from my clan. Free. What I've got in return is his gratitude and some secondary loot. We either hate or envy each other (players who use doping)and Zynga supports it by doing nothing.
ReplyDeleteLol. Lu, you are obviously an idiot. I give you 3 months and you wont even play this game anymore. I bet your one of those annoying players who is always begging for stuff and wanting everything to be fair. Well guess what, lifes not fair. Grow up and figure that out. And as long as you and your type have been trying to "eliminate" people like me, we have been ruling the world.
ReplyDeleteI'll shut myself up for now. Not because I gave up but because I need to be somewhere. For those of you who buys their loot: GROW UP! There are much better ways to spend your money! You make people only despise you. Buy a present to your loved ones. Go outside, do something fun. I don't ask you to give it to charity... BE FAIR and rely only on yourself and your friends when you need help. EARN RESPECT. DON"T BUY IT!
ReplyDeleteHey Ruler. Try to rule me. And if you want to know who I am, I'm gladly accept your friendship request just to prove you wrong. And you know, you are right about me being an Idiot as I'm right about you being an asshole. See ya!
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to follow the links to the alleged cloners/distributors and see that, while I'm not connected to them, they are "friends" with people I've traded with.
ReplyDeleteBut really, who cares? RP injections are one thing, but we're just talking about loot here. Lu, you've obviously not been playing long if you're just level 250, but it is axiomatic that loot scores are relatively meaningless for fighting, when compared to skill points -- unless your skill points are ridiculously through the roof already (because of massive credit card purchases), but those people are the ones buying the non-giftable marketplace loot from Zynga anyway.
Moreover, unlike skill points, any advantage you get from loot is temporary, since it all becomes obsolete fairly quickly. So someone who spent money getting 501 of all the best Vegas giftable loot 6 months ago currently gets zero advantage from that. If people want to spend their money this way, who cares. This is such a non-issue.
I am one of them cloners and hackers. Zynga can never stop me
ReplyDeleteZynga Is just jealous we are better for the customers then they are
ReplyDeleteI started to play when Bangkok was introduced. Last September something happened to my account. I don't believe it was hacked because not all of my loot was gone but I lost about 200 in att, 700 in def, downgraded from level 900 to 650 e.t.c. I think that something happened with the database records. Zynga gave me only helpdesk ticket number in return. I did not trust that account no more and started this one. Bidam Balad Mallare and others like him are Robin Hoods really... Someone who has 1000 bucks to spare to buy loot, deserves robbery LOL. Bidam, I just hope you make something more useful with the money you get from these guys. Zynga are greedy @#$%! no matter how good are the people who actually create the game , there must be a shareholder who wants to make more money. Still.. I love the game. Love people I met playing it. This conversation is slowly becoming a podium for Lu. If some of you, guys, wants to say something to me personally - you are all welcome to my page. I'm outta here. Have a good, fair, game, you all!
ReplyDeleteHow rude of me... Forgot to say something. LOOTLADY YOU ARE THE BEST! Me personally? Can't live without you :)
ReplyDeleteI've bought loot from Loot Sellers MANY times to upgrade my attack stats and defense stats. I'm low level so it helps me from being constantly smashed by bullies and has made my gaming experience more fun. Just this past weekend when I upgraded my attack and defense to the new loots, I'm winning more fights and beating more attackers. For the style of account I have, I have less chance of looting Legions, Eagles, Ramarros, etc. and having the opportunity to upgrade weapons from a loot seller and spend the rest on rps to increase my skills makes sense. I can buy 100 Roman Legions for $20 and spend $50 on a card to boost my skills. I've put $5,000 into Zynga for buying skills and only a few hundred into buying loot from people who reinvest that $ back into Zynga to loot more. I think that they are providing a "service" to the game that is much appreciated. The only people that i can figure out who would be against selling these loots are either A)People who made a crap account that can't loot good weapons B) People who can't afford to spend $ on the game or C)People who are jealous that they don't have the connections to distribute or have the motivation to sell loot. There are 3 tiers of players, 1) the ones that have SUPER DEEP Wallets who pay 10's of thousands to Zynga for Marketplace weapons 2) The free play players who can't afford it and 3) The Middle Class that can spend some $ but not TOO much, just to arm themselves and have fun. Loot Sellers cater to the middle class and to the hundreds of thousands in clans who are middle class and who are LOYAL Zynga spenders and players. Thumbs up to the Loot Sellers!
ReplyDeleteSorry could not resist... I agree with last anonymous. Just want to add something. The fact that you and me can afford it and someone else does not...I hear you when you say that you get more pleasure from this game with higher stats. Can you imagine someone from lets say IRAQ, Libya or Afghanistan who'll get less satisfaction or even get frustrated and angry because of it. CAUSALITY. Cause and effect. There are many ways to solve this. We cant see lower level players on our fight list. Why can't we do the same for those who spend 1 dollar as a customer... They may attack me from the hitlist but not from the fight menu. Call them heavyweights, increase their root rates, give them Gold and Platinum statuses... But it is only one stupid idea I have from hundred other solutions out there.
ReplyDeleteI think it is ironic that while she is putting the loot sellers down, in her own quest for money, GOOGLE Ads are prominently displayed with advertisements on her site for various loot dealers and games strategy books ,the very thing she is TOTALLY AGAINST
ReplyDeleteTraders are all working for sellers, why do you think so many people from third world spend 24/7 on a social game ?
ReplyDeleteCloning is the reason that there is something to trade, it MADE the community that we like; clans, trade boards, THIS FUCKING BLOG held by a hypocrite woman just thinking about draining more and more attention on herself. We are all sad and some of us are angry that Zynga destroys it stupidly by blocking the game also making it slower and slower. FB does enough problems by limiting friend requests in a way that the game can't be interesting and socializing after minimum 1 month for a new player.
Now what ? Why did Zynga made loots used in fights giftable only ? I can't help smaller players upgrading their properties or gift them the consumables they need, DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS GAME BECAME POPULAR BY FORCING ALL PLAYERS TO DO THE SAME JOB AGAIN AND AGAIN TO GET CONSUMABLES ?? That is clearly pointless.
MW became popular as a free gaming area, blackmarket permits people who won't give ten thousands dollars a year to zynga to be able to win enough fight to keep their interest on playing. Without this fact there would be 20,000 players not much more, and this is where we're going if Zynga doesn't let the gameplay be what it is.
Now stop bitching, this is a fight simulation, losing is part of it.
Da Max, can't agree more. Hope that somebody will realize it soon and make it fun again. To the last anonymous: Do you really think that it is fair that you and me can afford this loot but someone from India, Russia or Brazil doesn't? You said that you get more pleasure from the game with higher stats, can you imagine someone who will get less satisfaction because of it? I'm bitchin' cause this game ain't fair. We can't see lower level players on our fightlist, why can't we do the same with players who spend money on their accounts? Let them attack those who don't only from hitlist or from "your next target" request but not from fightlist. Call them heavyweights, give them platinum, gold statuses, increase their loot rates etc. 1 extra field in database table. all it takes. I'd do it in 10 minutes. But that is only one stupid ideas from hundreds other solutions out there
ReplyDelete@Hllton, I never said I was for against loot selling. All I wanted to do here was explain how loot sellers get mass quantities of loot. The Ads on my blog come from Google who happens to own the domain. I have no control over who pays them to advertise. All I can do is take AdSense down and why would I do that? I'm neutral in the situation and just posting the facts.
ReplyDeleteLu again. Da Max, can't agree more. Hope that somebody will realize it soon and make it fun again. To the last anonymous: Do you really think that it is fair that you and me can afford this loot but someone from India, Russia or Brazil doesn't? You said that you get more pleasure from the game with higher stats, can you imagine someone who will get less satisfaction because of it? I'm bitchin' cause this game ain't fair. We can't see lower level players on our fightlist, why can't we do the same with players who spend money on their accounts? Let them attack those who don't only from hitlist or from "your next target" request but not from fightlist. Call them heavyweights, give them platinum, gold statuses, increase their loot rates etc. 1 extra field in database table. all it takes. I'd do it in 10 minutes.
ReplyDeleteThe people accusing Jen of being a hypocrite need to (a) calm down and (b) re-read the post, which was more descriptive and informational than view point directed but actually was pretty fair, nuanced and sympathetic to the extent it expressed an opinion.
ReplyDeleteJen, keep up the great work -- this blog is one of the best resources the MW community has, bar none.
They became heavyweights because they want to win, why would anyone upgrade his account if he will always be in front of players with the same strenght ?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if Mafia Wars can be played for free this is just in order to supply targets to the people who pay for playing : you guys are just brawling meat here.
The level gives you opponents, the strenght decides what's next.
Not a bad idea actually. Any zynga staff reading this? Build a new city for spenders and let them fight each other there! Let us sipmle folks alone!
ReplyDeleteIf they read stupidities like what you just wrote I understand better why they never listen to us !
ReplyDeleteThe big guns will stop spending if they're not in top 5% of the players.
Lu is right. I would not mind VIP area. won't stop spending at all. And it can stimulate players to spend money to gain access to this area. At least you give them a choice. You don't just throw your farmville playing kids to fight sharks.
ReplyDeleteThis is one thing to be descriptive and another to report names !!! This will follow you for a long time!
ReplyDeleteOk people, please stop posting links of accounts here. This isn't the place for that. Zynga has a place for that. I will remove any more that are posted.
ReplyDeleteCongratz for your reactivity Lootlady... Soo right in time you might be very proud.
ReplyDeleteget a life people
ReplyDeletewithout us farmers/sellers this game would be shit!
if i don't rob/ice your acc you don't get mad and buy more skills/weapons
nothing if fair in this world wake up people!
money rule the world always was like that and always will be like that
if you were not so lucky to be born in a rich environment then you must work you way up!
people from the 3rd world work for you rich guys without them you would not have so many thing in mafia or real world
this is a ecosystem, everyone is needed to be complete!!!
zynga is too greedy and that's why the game is falling apart
one year ago everyone was happy buy/sell lot/rp it was a complete ecosystem, now.....?
zynga never appreciated what they had, they are never happy always need more more more $$$$
if we don't sell lot people will just leave, no way they will buy the marketplace items or buy a hell of rp to farm themself
the bigest problem is that farmers abused everything in the last months thats why zynga wish now to exterminate all farmers
you can not just go any buy skills! you need items too!!! if people buy weapons from black market they will buy skills too 99.99% do that
thing zynga, we are helping YOU! don't be so f greedy, without us this game is 0!
this game will never be fair, because my money don't have same value as your money, when all exchange rate will be 1:1 then this world will be fair, but that will never happend
money can buy you ANYTHING in this world, wake up people
i fell that just 13 old people are complaining, they have no ideea of the value of money!!!
so wake up people life is not fair, never was and never will be, the perfect world you imagine does not exist, learn the value of money and then come here and complaing about what is fair!
the mafia ecosystem is broken now and players numbers are going down down down until GAME OVER!
ReplyDeleteAMEN to that brotha!
I read though the whole comment section and want to point out the only one true sentence that was said, by Don Olbrich, "By the way, if Mafia Wars can be played for free this is just in order to supply targets to the people who pay for playing", very very true, think of it as playing a trail of an mmorpg, free playing is supposed to get you hooked so that you start actual playing (buying RPs), if you managed to start actual playing without buying RPs than you had to use tricks (like buying loot, serial leveling, etc.) and Zynga does not like you, does not need you, does not want you, according to Zynga you are probably only good for icing (and of course for drawing in new players, crack the safe anyone?)...
ReplyDeleteJennifer, what are you trying to say? Are you saying that as MW players we shouldn't use the black market to buy items or use the trading sites to trade for better loot? If so, then you are being extremely hypocritical and/or talking out both sides of your mouth.
ReplyDeleteOn the right hand side of your blog page is an ad for players to buy black market items. But you mention in your blog that, "It's clearly defined that selling virtual goods is a Terms Of Service violation and that's what defines the black market."
You've made mention on your podcast that you work for Zynga. How does your employer feel about you endorsing a black market trading site?
While we are talking about the podcast, Pistol Pete mentioned a while back that he thought trading game cards was a violation of the Zynga TOS. If he thinks this, why does he endorse the same black market trading site with banner ads inside of his bookmarklets now?
Just really curious which side of the fence you and the people from your podcast are sitting on?
I doubt if you'll comment on this and just take the "Zynga" route and blow it off.
I think that we are adult enough to form our own judgement on where we ourselves stand on the issue of loot sellers. On a constructive level, no need to depend and specifically ask others to state their opinion and pick on these opinions. The information has already been put out, it's up to us to support or be against it or be neutral and put forward our own arguments for/against it. One big thing i like about MW blogs is when players share their experiences bcos no one knows everything and the sharing enhances the knowledge. Personally, i don't have anything against this black market trade. Many months ago when shturmoviks, hunters, mugatis,konstantins, railguns etc were the top loots, i bought 501 of these items from a company based in the far east. It was only around that time i use this sort of service, since then till now so many months later i have not gone anywhere near them. My mafia att def now is around 142k+(not the highest, but i am working on it) and it is all due the old-fashioned way of fighting, doing jobs, war assist, operations and joining all those back to back gifting events. I am not an energy player so i don't farm these items. I don't have anything against players who use this service. If people wants to spend money on a game they enjoy and spend hours on everyday, why not, go ahead. There are many players who have played for more than a year, so the investment in the game is worthwhile in terms of the experience and the joy they must have experience. Not for me to judge and lecture on how others should spend their money. Others who cannot afford these services, well, i for one think, many do not care that much. I have been to the profile pages of these sellers via links posted yesterday and found that for all of them only about 3-5 of my players are mutual friends and if there is any other i am sure the pattern is the same. Being among the strongest in this game is something special but there are other aspects of this game which is also enjoyable and challenging, there are players who prefer to do jobs and others who like the declare war feature etc and with 1 million+ still playing surely there is enough targets out there to challenge us to develop our character without feeling sorry for those who cannot afford to use money to do it and dissatisfied with others who can.
ReplyDeletecan anyone beat [RYfG]SWEDE ..lol, nope. SWEDE is God.
ReplyDeleteI have cloning scripts... never used them coz I thought zynga would detect !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think i'll open 2 spare accounts and test these !
"can anyone beat [RYfG]SWEDE ..lol, nope. SWEDE is God." check his fight losses, he is getting beat every day now, RYFG is fighting A41 with RR Swede is tough but he is not #1, baudo is tough, so is KJELL, CJ, and AMY not sure who is #1 but it's not Swede