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Mar 1, 2011

Worldwide Mafia Meet Up Day: April 8th


April 8th is Mafia Meet Up Day. This is a world wide meetup and players should start planning now.
To get started, go to http://www.meetup.com/mafiawars/, look for your city and RSVP. If you don't see a Meetup in your city, you can start your own. At the time of this posting there have already been 202 Mafia Wars Meetups planned all over the world.
According to the Mafia Wars Fan Page, the 5 Meetups with the most RSVP's will win a Meetup starter kit for their event.
Get more details on the page by clicking the black box to the right of the map.
I went to my city and found that someone had started one but wants to have it in a parking lot! I decided to RSVP anyways.
I clicked on "Count me in" and had to sign into the site.
There is a Facebook connect so that made things easier.
You have to click on the "Create a new Meetup account" but that's just to verify you agree to the sites TOS.
Once your signed in, you can RSVP for your Meetup and message the other members to make changes and agree on the best time and place.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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