Mar 7, 2011

Unframe Mafia Wars


Facebook is doing some weird things right now and many have noticed that the unframe bookmarklet isn't working right. This is not a Spock thing or a Mafia Wars thing. It's a Facebook issue and the proof is the solution. Just go to and use the Unframe-MW bookmarklet from there.  Thanks to Martin for figuring out this brilliant solution during a PAC chat session!


For those who don't need a blog to figure things out, Team Spockholm already included the details in their bookmarklet and it will load for you if you click "OK".  All you have to do is click on Unframe-MW once more to unframe.  I bet Zynga appreciates the traffic that the Spocks are bringing them!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. zynga toolbar by Arun also didn't work as of now for me.

    hit >>

    anyone able to see things as in zynga's firefox toolbar?

  2. Tried the solution withthe brawler and it doesn't work.

  3. Google Chrome admits it won't work with the Zynga toolbar. That's why I switched to Firefox. Now with the FF4 beta 12 update, the Zynga bar doesn't work there either. ***sigh***

  4. Nup no Brawler down here in Oz on Firefox, sux....well my Robbibg is going up while I wait grrrrrrr!
    Spoks, Arun get up and get to work and fix facebook and links!

    The Whale

  5. manage to get toolbar work Firefox, pure luck i say. If anyone try that link i give in Firefox, it'll says, Toolbar doesn't exist LOL

    definitely mark suckerberg messing up with fb scripts.

  6. yield me eternal loop of loading of MW. WTF!!

    anyone who can't unframe, you can use >> FB MafiaWars Addon << it is on v0.3.2.8 now. no unframe required. have fun guys n girls

  7. LMAO it works a charm. I reinstalled FF, grease and crap, just to see here it's not their fault.

    I must admit the guys at did wonderful job with the site. After opening 5 FF with that page my laptop just DIED! Srsly! 2.5GHz i5 with 4 gigs of ram was struggling for life! LOL

  8. Marfia wars is fine and so is toolbar for me....just no brawler workin!

    The Whale

  9. "anyone who can't unframe, you can use >> FB MafiaWars Addon << it is on v0.3.2.8 now. no unframe required. "

    Where to I get this? Can't unframe, can't use chucker, am unhappy :-(

  10. Please disregard above post, found it, THANKS!!!

  11. I panicked until I tried clicking the SIA, that one worked like a charm for me!

  12. Things went haywire after firefox released update 2 day's ago. I rolled back to March 6th, no problems for me now.

  13. I have been using Safari and have had no troubles the last few days. only thing ive noticed was brawler was running extremely fast so i closed it and reloaded and worked normally.

  14. This issue began around 10pm last night in Miami with MWAP. We tested MWAP at and found the same issue as soon as MWAP was activated. Our solution here was just to disable said extension and use Arun's Unframe MW within FB MW and, it has been working like a charm since. We set up three machnes on the same router distribution and ran all sorts of other code to test the Unframe solution. They all worked great for as long as we ran the test. Brawler even feels quite a bit more responsive when not run from the MWAP unframe stae.

  15. Unable to unframe, no matter which way I try :(

  16. i can unframe, but i can't use mw-addon as of their latest update v.

    hate the new format of this blog - can't easily login and post as me - only anonymous


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