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Mar 10, 2011

Need Baht???


If you need more Baht and have NOT built your Football Stadium, there is help to get you through the Battle In Bangkok Mission. Susie Hoy created an excellent note explaining what you need to do and many helped her by providing their Fan request links. Click here to view the note and follow the instructions. You need to be in the destination that you want the currency from when you click. In this case, make sure you are in Bangkok. You can see for every click I make on one of the links in this note, I get B$25,000.
Remember your Football Stadium needs to look like this or it won't work. If you already built it, this method won't help you. Once you click something in Mafia Wars, there is no Mulligan! Unless you want a different Mystery Bag item but you have to pay for that.
If you want to automate the process of clicking on these links, watch the video that Susie posted on YouTube. Thanks so to Susie and those who participated in the note.  This will help many players who are rushing to finish Bangkok.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Don't forget about Stream helper as well, Jen.. A lot faster if you have the Mafia.. I get about 200+ Fans Or Cash... Once Stadium is Build 0nly need 50 Fans a day Stream helpers a peach for that.. ;)

    Above tip for Windows users Clicking on links.. Left click Hold "Highlight" 10 links, then right click "open links In Tabs" No Java Needed

  2. Also Depending on your position (and if you have already built your stadium) in Bangkok repeat the Job with the highest payout. ALSO post Job Helps from Bangkok the highest level post you can, for example if your finished with all of bangkok go to the last chapter post for job help this yields baht. Also you can look for bangkok jobs to help with on the feed or if you are familiar with bookmarklets use streamhelper or brutus helper and set it for bangkok jobs. Hope this helps! The Digital Don (MWPAC)

  3. fight fight fight in bangkok i average 1.5 mil per 600 stamina :) im a level 269 gunning for the giant centipede first

  4. isnt a PAC's member affiliated with Zynga posting glitches seem strange? Isnt a Pacs member affiliated with Zynga posting 3rd party tool usage seem strange? Isnt a PACS's member affiliated with Zynga condoning loot sales by allowing Loot Sale advertising strange? Isnt PAC's members Have already received free pass's for Brazil strange?

  5. Aren't douchbags who don't know what in the hell they are talking about strange? This isn't a glitch and has been this way for a long time (since Italy was first launched). I don't allow loot ads on this blog. I was offered $1,000 a month to put a banner on my blog from a loot seller and turned it down. I also block all AdSense links from loot sellers. If they make it back or a new one appears, that is google and not me. I lose additional ad revenue by doing this. Third party scripts have created a large mesogroup that Zynga can't ignore or ban. I post instructions and guidelines for reasonable use of these tools to help people not abuse them and hope I've prevent players from getting banned. LOL to your comment about Brazil. ALL players are eligible to receive passes to Brazil Beta. Collect 150 Masks and it's done. Please go educate yourself on this game before posting ridiculous comments that only verify your stupidity.

  6. @anon
    phail troll is phail.

    +10 to jen reply

  7. per a pacs member, pacs folks got a free pass, so stick that in your vinegar water and inject it.
    I didnt say eligible so perhaps you need the education.
    If a glitch is open for 6 months, then its still a glitch, age does not relegate it to being ok
    No, Zynga does not have to submit to scripters, instead they are using folks like you as a pawn but this is made oblivious by your self important stance.
    So you blog on how to use scripts (which are prohibited) in a safe manner so they wont get banned. Hmmm, that one needs no reply.
    Play the game? if PACS would have gotten real players (not all were a bad pick) instead of Zynga advertisment specialist, then perhaps this game could be better utilized.
    When folks like Jane Boss and Reedy and et al are making the choices for millions of players, then even CPR then there is a epic fail on the way. Rant and Showboat all you need to, but you perhaps need to learn how play mafia wars sometime, your SIGN is evident daily

  8. Obviously you are butt hurt that you weren't selected for the PAC. Sorry troll isn't a qualification. The fourth hand info you got is probably a spin on the fact that the members of PAC have beta access to new features (as will all players who collect a Air Brazil when Brazil is launched). A large percentage of the PAC already had this. If an aspect of the game has been around for 6 months it's only fair that all players get the chance to utilize it. This is not an exploit and will help those who can't finish Bangkok in the 8 days that were alloted. You must also be butt hurt that you built your Football Stadium. I never said Zynga has to submit to scripts and they haven't. They just can't ignore they exist and a large percentage of the community uses them. Sorry if your intellect prevents you from using them as well. I don't have a self important stance. I created this blog and you obviously read it so it's save to say right here and now at this url, I have some importance. Go elsewhere if you don't like it. When you write a blog or run a fan site to help people learn the game, you really can't help but advertise Zynga's product or there would be nothing to write about. If you're such a great MW player then why don't you write a blog for all the trolls, I'm sure they would love it!

  9. i have done this and i can recommend this as it works.......

    chk whats required for the next jobs and sell all the stuff in bkk you have purchased earlier and dont require anymore... it give lot of money and dont affect your att/def as all those are tiny winnie things max 20/25 att def items... this helps getting some quick money and proceed for next jobs to earn more money

  10. How could anyone get on here and bash Jen? What a tool. And it only makes sense for PAC members to have access to newer things about to launch. They can see glitches/bugs before its released to the whole community and possibly avoid big problems (mask release aside....lol).

  11. Nice . . way to go MW LootLady . . love your communications ("Banter") . . Have a great week ahead & appreciate all your posts & messages!
    Robin McLean . . aka Vicious Vixen


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