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Mar 8, 2011

More on RewardVille


Now that most of us have RewardVille, a little more s known about zCoins. Mike Nestor who has to have one of everything is busy playing all the games and claims it doesn't take long to get your maximum of 300 zPoints a day. I tried but got annoyed with all the screen refreshes the other games require. I also was overwhelmed with the requests from the other games and my news feeds were a mess. If you want to play the other games, go to your privacy settings and unblock the games you wish to play.
No just start clicking on everything and you will get zPoints.
Tomáš Kotinský posted this cool image on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page that shows what tasks you need to do in what games to earn zPoints.
(click to enlarge)
Once you hit 300 zPoints for the day, you will get this pop-up.
We were getting 15 zCoins for every level up but Mike Nestor discovered once he hit Level 20, he got 60 zCoins. It looks like the amount of zCoins we get is proportional to your RewardVille Level.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. When I use "Unframe-MW" nothing counts towards my Z-points :/... I cant even see the tool bar for ot... any idea why? Does it mean that I cant use any scripts if I want to get the Zpoints ?!?!

  2. I'm having issues with getting proper crdit for play.

  3. @Marcin
    yup. no unframe.

  4. @Marcin :)
    So you're crying because you can't use your cheat scripts? ZYNGA are rushing to fix your terrible problem as we speak. Contact Customer Support for an update when they will have it fixed for you.

    ZYNGA could easily end all this cheating by breaking the 'Unframe' functionality but that's Adobe Flash's fault :).


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