Mar 26, 2011

Lucky Stash Jackpot Winner


After months of searching, I finally found a screen shot of a real jackpot winner. Marco posted the following image on the Mafia Wars Gods group page.  He won 60,770 Reward Points and will 1,000 of them per week until they are all accounted for. That will take over a year to happen. Let's hope Zynga keeps us interested for that long.
I found him on the list of "Past Jackpot Winners" tab so nobody can say it's a doctored image.
Here is Marco's post on his Facebook profile. Now that's some spam you don't see everyday!
In order for you to get this lucky, you have to use 3 Reward Points a spin and you need the Mafia Wars symbol to appear in the exact order of Red, Gray and Black. I just noticed Zynga still hasn't fixed the "3nd Credit" typo that I pointed out on November 25th of last year (1).

Thanks so much to Marco for taking a screen shot and sharing this awesome achievement with us.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. 60K? i'll start spamming skill points if i ever won that

  2. want to know something VERY interesting about that jackpot snapshot? anyone notice that the amount wagered was only 1 RP?????? how did he win the jackpot with only 1 RP wagered?

  3. He's from my's pure luck

  4. addictive game MW but they are making it better... should give out GF points easier to ppl who play daily

  5. Yagami9999

    @ONEMANBOB --------> If you use the (play 3 RP) Red button, the next spin will show "wager 1 RP" It's the next spin.

    As long as he clicks the red button, it's 3RPs.

    Try it

  6. Why does this not show his winnings. In the win paid? I have won this also but Zynga says my screen shot is not they want a video.

  7. I can't believe Zynga is so cheap that they won't give out the points all at once...wait...yes I can.
    cheap bastards!


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