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Mar 8, 2011

Get Ready For Brazil


Go check your e-mail and learn what there is to know about the next destination! Brazil is coming and it looks like we need to collect Carnaval Masks to get early entry.
To get us more excited, Zynga attempted to give us a free Skill Point between now and March 15th. In true Zynga style, "this offer is no longer valid".
Customer Support has responded to the Skill Point issue and the link is now working. This seems like a lot of work for one Skill Point! Now all we need to do is wait and "Be on the lookout for information about the launch of Brazil".

I don't know much about Brazil other than that's where a lot of hot model chicks come from. There will be a post on the Official Mafia Wars Blog and hopefully the 411 guy will whip something up as well. Aside from wating, I'm not sure what else we can do to get ready for Brazil. Most players aren't finished with Italy and have had to take a break from that to work on Cuba and Moscow.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. "where a lot of hot model chicks come from"...that's a coincidence, that's exactly what I know about Brazil too... :)

  2. me too....woo looks like brazil will be mafia wars most exoctic...bitchy type rugged city....with lots of hot babes around...n of course brazil is also famous for samba boys in soccer

  3. Hi, my name is Samantha T.. How may I help you?
    sarah jack: i got an email today and when i click the link in it it say the offer is no longer valid..sending a screen shot
    File attachment upload has started.
    The file Carnival.jpg (346.63KB) was received.
    Samantha T.: Currently, we have no information regarding Brazil. Any updates will be available via our support articles on Zynga.com. As for the Skill Point, the link is currently broken but our Developers will issue a new e-mail when this matter is fixed.
    sarah jack: there is nothing on the support site regarding brazil
    sarah jack: that is why i contacted you
    Samantha T.: No one knows how to get into Brazil because it is not released yet. That e-mail was sent out by accident and the reason the link said no valid is because Brazil is not out yet. The e-mail was a accident.
    Samantha T.: I do apologize for the inconvenience.
    sarah jack: ok
    sarah jack: figures
    sarah jack: bye
    Samantha T.: Bye
    You have disconnected.

  4. From supermod Cerulean Master at the forum:

    Hey guys,

    It is my understanding the email went out a tab bit early. For now, I would ignore it. We still have another event planned before Brazil is scheduled for release.

    I will give an update if more information comes to light.




  5. Hahahahahahaha.....shocking. Jen, you are hilarious! And my link actually worked. As far as Brazil, I'm more confused than I before. "if" information comes to light? hmmmmmm

  6. this link is working Congratulations! For being a loyal player you have been rewarded with one skill point. http://tinyurl.com/466g5ey

  7. yes, the link is working!

  8. No surprise. The newspaper for the Moscow event says "...the mysterious symbol... first surfaced on the streets of Sao Paolo, Brazil..."

  9. Hoyce Gracie here I come!!!!!

  10. Brazilian girls are the most gorgeous in the world. I would move their if not for the high probability of kidding kidnapped and/or murdered. Not to mention their real great contribution to civilization, "The Brazilian." If you don't know what that is, I'll tell you when you're older ;)

  11. Come! Dont you know about favelas, traffic, kidnap in Brazil? I'm from there and what I can say for you all it's the country which has more criminal action in the whole mafia wars' cities!

  12. gonna be the same horrible stuff to collect as the broken heart :.((((((


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