Mar 15, 2011

Brazil Properties


The first property of Brazil is the Headquarters property and unlocks during the first job.
When you click on "Start Building", you are directed to the new property page and can see the names of all the properties.
The little yellow question mark explains in further detail and we learn the group of properties is called our Brazil Holdout.
To build, click on the name of the property, then click on "Build".
To upgrade, go to that property and start upgrading. 3 of the items we need are from Las Vegas so it's cool to have another use for them. As you can see my energy account has a bunch.
Here is what I get from collecting on a level one property. I got Real and a collection item. I'll post more once I build all the properties. Don't forget to check on the Mafia Wars Wiki Brazil Page as well.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Great info , but i thing the reinforced steel is only vegas material. power tools and cement blocks are new york items i think.

  2. Would love to see more details on this, like which upgrade parts needed for each properties and what we can get from them. Thank you for all your efforts, MWLL & team!


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