Mar 25, 2011

Brazil Missions and Boss Fights


The Brazil Missions are slowly rolling out. One of the tasks in the very first mission requires that you master the job "Set Up our Operation In A Renovated Skyscraper". The task should be auto checked if you already mastered the job. This isn't the case for a lot of players including myself. There isn't even an option to use Reward Points, so for now I'm stuck. Others are having issues with Brazil Crew members not tracking properly for this Mission. This isn't a very good start for Brazil Missions!
In a Zynga Forum thread titled Brazil Missions-BROKEN, CM, Super Moderator, acknowledges the issues and states that the team is working on it. All you can do is be patient and wait until they fix it. Stay tuned for more on these Missions once I'm able to move on.

  #31   Report Post  
Old Today, 09:24 PM
Cerulean Master's Avatar
Super Moderator
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: I Never Know
Posts: 2,992

Hey guys,

The team is working on this issue.



A Customer Support page has also been posted and this issue should be fixed by the end of the day (1).
Ah, Brazil Ruby Mastery

Updated 03/25/2011 at 21:29
 Ah, Brazil mission Ruby Mastery Issue

The Mafia Wars development team recognizes the issue with the Ah, Brazil mission not recognizing the Ruby Mastery level.  A fix for this mission will be pushed later today which will automatically resolve this for the players.

Our resources are dedicated to addressing this issue so that you can continue to enjoy your game. However, if you have immediate questions or additional concerns about this mission status, please submit and an email and one of our agents will respond with an update.


  1. I'm frustrated as I'm one of the peeps who already has it completed but has no check on it. Zynga'd again!

  2. Same here, looks like we'll have to do it again unless they fix the problem...that sucks!

  3. yeah i even tried to post it as a help job hoping it would pick it up but it wont even let me post the job so its the wait and see how long bit. They extend everything anyway making my "accomplishments" not to accomplished, everyone gets extra days to finish, so much for my loyal addiction ;)

  4. Open Letter to Zynga:
    This is the second time in two weeks that I have been unable to post "Ask for Construction Workers" for my Brazil Upgrades. This is very frustrating as we are only allowed to ask once every 24 hours and the rewards are skimpy at best (just 5 allowed in 24 hours). Please DO NOT reply with your generic script solution of clearing my cache and cookies, or trying different browsers, or trying Your programmers should be able to determine if a post publishes or not and offer a remedy within the application to correct the problem. It is getting pretty tiring always having to email you for poor game play issues! Maybe you should work on correcting the current gaming issues before pumping out all these new games and features!

  5. once again Zynga rolls out a big brand new shiny turd!!!

  6. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Zynga again I'm stuck also!

  7. Doesn't Zynga test these things before releasing them? I know, I know, stupid question.

  8. Hi Jennifer
    ive just emailed you screenshots for the 1st 8 missions hope this helps you.karl koolandkrazy

  9. yep, not working for me either...

  10. just finish the first boss. good thing its not a time event . im not going near those mission until i get my health up . or attack ??

  11. The mission disappeared from my account, seems zynga withdrew them, but only for some. Other friends still have missions (they weren't stuck in the first place)

  12. glitch join some1 elses crew it prosesses u for it so u get green tick

  13. have been in live chat. agent unlocked the job for stuck in part 2 of that mission as there are 2 jobs to be mastered from the same district - same story - tired....i'll wait for them to sort that crap out! >;))

  14. Nagy: hello
    Luis: My name is Luis, what can I do for you?
    Nagy: i have an issue with the forst mission in Brazil
    Nagy: first' sorry
    Luis: I see, let me know please
    Nagy: the second task, where i need to master a job, is already mastered :(
    Luis: I see
    Nagy: and the game is not recognising it
    Luis: I see
    Nagy: i have a screenshot, if it is needed
    Luis: Can I have your Mafia Wars Link?
    Nagy: yes, 1 sec
    Nagy: [my MW link]
    Luis: Thanks
    Luis: I am on it
    Nagy: thank you
    Luis: I just did it, can you check?
    Nagy: checking
    Luis: ok
    Nagy: wow, its registered as done, thanks a bunch
    Luis: You are welcome........

    not that it helped a lot... second task requires 2 job mastery's, and of course luck with reaching live chat ran out on first attempt... I guess patience will be the solution for this, luckily its night in my timezone and the zyngoids have time to fix this till I sleep

  15. Ya.. I dont even have it yet! On Mine or my wifes account! WTF!?


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