Mar 12, 2011

Battle In Bangkok Timer


My daily e-mail from Mafia Wars by Zynga has a banner at the bottom that says "One Final Night In Bangkok? Since it ends with a question mark, I assume they are asking and not telling.
I can answer the question based on the timer in the game. At the time of this post, there are 4 days and 23 hours left.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. lots of members not finished bangkok yet its one of hard city to finish as it need lots of bath to play may be zynga will keep it for some days !

  2. but it also says "Event Ends In", which leads one to believe that this is only an event, and not the end

  3. cuba says, "cuba closes in ..."
    moscow said, "moscow closing in ..."
    so i dont think they are closing bangkok however, i think something will change, maybe we will be able to collect from our properties but no jobs... i am still putting all energy and game play into finishing bangkok before the timer ends.

  4. the most headache free way i find to get satellite phones is to loot them from the pirate job tier job, Hijack A Boat Load Of Electronics, however the best way to do this and kind of a trick, for those of us who havent done the pirate job tier or bangkok for that matter, dont complete the tier just do all jobs up to that job, and you can loot them at 36 energy - i find they are dropping at around a 90 percent or greater rate, thats 360 energy for 9 or 10 satellite phones, thats much quicker than dealing with getting them via your mafia, and with less hassel.

  5. :(

    i hope i can finish bangkok job

  6. @2nd/3rd Anonymous
    Event Ends...that's it.

  7. it would make it much easier if they lower the price of weapons they did it in cuba and new york with the upkeep why not in bankok give the people a chance to finish the city


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