Feb 7, 2011

Share Your Boosts


In addition to currency, we also get boosts when collecting from our Las Vegas Casino and Italy Village.  Here are the 7 different boosts available.
Tina C. Prater of Mistyfied Mafia Wars & Pimping wrote an excellent note with instructions on how to share these boosts with your mafia.  I followed Tina's easy instructions and it really works!  Click HERE to try it.
If you're new to using bookmarklets and have never unframed your game before, follow the steps below.

1. Go to the Spockholm Mafia Tools Stable Page and locate the Unframe-MW bookmarklet.
2.  Click, drag and drop the Unframe-MW bookmarklet into your bookmark toolbar.
3.  Go to your Mafia Wars game and click on Unframe-MW (now located in your bookmark toolbar) once.  If you did everything correctly, your game will be surrounded in black instead the Facebook "frame".

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Way too much work for something that only lasts 2 seconds...

  2. The javascript that is used to create these
    "share collect items" posts was created by the MW Script Developers some time ago. This option has yet been activated in the game, thus... there is no button available to share out these boosts. Even though this bit of script is currently written into the game code, it is not something that is currently used in the game.

    This is not something developed by a "3RD Party" script writer.

    The "shareCollectItem" is a piece of javascript, that calls a PHP file in the MW Game Library that enables this "share collect items" wall post to appear.

    There are a number of different pieces of javascript in the game code, that has yet been activated.

    In the current game script, code exists for things that once "was", things that are "current" and things that are yet to be "active".

    By inducing this option using a "tool" that calls this javascript function into action, this is "circumventing" the game. Anything that is accessed thru the game script that is currently not "Active" for "Public" game play,
    is circumventing the game.

    Circumventing is an action that is of high risk, prompting the game to do something it currently does not do, will enable your account to be rolled back to an earlier time, or if repeat occurrence of circumventing is tracked on your account, this may result in a possible ban.

    We advice highly the use of such tools/scripts that "circumvent" the game, could have your limited general use license granted by Zynga terminated. Please be advised, the current use of such scripts is at your own Risk.

    Please also understand, any 3rd party script written for any "automation" of game play, is not "circumventing". 3rd party automation scripts are handled on a per case basis.

  3. @Nemesis, the share button does appear when you get these boosts, just not every time. Otherwise thank you for explaining to us where the original code came from. Bottom line is all scripts are a TOS violation and are use at your won risk. Like Pistol Pete always says, don't abuse and use them in moderation.

    It was late when I wrote that last comment,
    and I realized I did not fully explain my point.

    Yes, ALL 3RD Party Scripts are in violation of ZYNGA T.O.S. -
    However, Scripts that are written to "circumvent" the game, are a risk to the upmost extreme. ( rp injections, item duplicators, etc.. etc.. ) getting the game to do things, that the game does not currently do.

    Scripts used for automation,( are different, where as, there is no "circumventing" there is automation of certain actions of the game ) are taken into account, by zynga on a per case basis. Any automation scripts found to be of "brute force" are dealt with accordingly, and in some cases, these scripts are taken offline.

    Zynga, at there sole discretion, can and will take additional action against such scripts/script writers.

    Pistol Pete of Spockholm, supports scripts that help automate certain functions of the game, this not only helps his crusade of saving the Click-Monkeys, but it also saves players time. Moderate or regular use of these automated scripts overall, help the players get through their game and also increases overall player retention.

    Using Brute Force Scripts that circumvent the game, to get the game to do what it currently does not do, to get a step up on all the other players, whether its sending gifts requests that are no longer available in the game, like time capsules, pignata's, coffins or injecting reward points, skill points, duplicating Loot/Collection Items, or changing the game script to buy reward points at a steeper discount ( 50%-70% off )
    These examples are some of the most extreme brute force circumventions of the game script.
    By using these scripts, you are at risk of having your MW account rolled back and/or limited(fighting;gifting;in-game rp purchases). You can not get by, using these scripts, even if using them moderately or not abusing them.

    I am only sharing the knowledge, so we can all avoid script use rumors going forward. Spockholm/Arun/PlayerScripts/Snagbar and a handful of other scripts are being monitored closely. When/If these scripts; scriptwriters take a more brute force approach, and/or circumvent certain game functions, each will be handled on a per case basis, with each script and scriptwriter.

    /Arch Angel Nemesis


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