Feb 26, 2011

Player Advisory Committee


The Players Advisory Committee was a great success on the front end. I will have much more to say when I have time to post more. The Community Management Team put together a great schedule jam packed with classes and instructions on providing feedback that gets results, security issues, support issues and feature workshops. I will have much more to say on each topic in the coming posts and hope you the community will help to make the Player Advisory Committee a continued success.
Here we all are after a ten hour day of training! It was a pleasure to meet so many of my fellow Mafia Wars players.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i love MWAP, Good to see Alex was there Representing them (second in from the left wearing the shirt)

  2. Awesome picture and thanks for sharing! Is that team Spockholm and the Informant Podcast? Who's the hot blond on the right? ;-)

  3. That's kewl. I see team spockholm there.

  4. PAC of idiots. hope you paid yourself for residence.

  5. It was a blast! Great to meet you Jennifer, and so many others. Now I'm soooo ready to go home though lol.

  6. so what will the players be advising us on then ?
    or do they advise zynga ?

  7. I hope this PAC works and is not window dressing for Zynga. It will be interesting to see if they had to sign any confidentiality agreements, etc. regarding Zynga. I will be listening carefully to everything. PS: I hope you get Alex from MWAP on the informant podcast.

  8. This is in the hands of the lawyers. All the other related information will be passed on to the lawyers regarding the latest Class-Action Lawsuit being brought forth.


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