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Feb 2, 2011

My Statement to the Rumors from Eike Meier


Once again we're having these rumors about accounts getting banned, and as Jennifer is out of town, let me write a few words about it.

This is the message I've seen a few times now:
5 members from the clan JOKERS have had there accounts banned right after posting or clicking on tinyurl links in the past hour Just a pre caution. a lot o...f t...ime and money go into this game and would hate to see peoples accounts banned. Just a little heads... up
and the follow up Dan Gattman Do not use URL links at all I just did a chat and they are looking for people using them and its up to the developers to delete you so watch out!! It can happen. just got this thought i would share it 

Just a few things to notice:

"had there accounts banned right after posting or clicking" - come  on, they won't get banned immidiately after the action. It may take hours or a day, but not right after clicking. Zynga has to verify things before they ban people, so believe me they will be careful.

"5 members from the clan JOKERS" - Coincidence, that out of ten thousand people clicking tinyurl links, only those five people are known to be banned? Or did they maybe bad things together?

" its up to the developers to delete you" - Developers do not delete people. They may write programs that try to identify people that are misusing scripts, but they do not delete people manually.

So, whoever reads this should use his brain before forwarding it.

Another thing worth to mention is that "tinyurls" is not something that can be detected. Tinyurls get decoded after being created and decoded after being sent to Mafia Wars, so from the systems view you're just opening gift. A lot of gifts, yes, but there is no evidence for Zynga of you using tinyurls.

Another thing worth to mention is this message from Nemesis (link).

He has been writing bookmarklets that utilize glitches in Mafia Wars, and he has been hunted down from Zynga for that. You see, if Zynga wants to bring down bookmarklets, they know where to go. And they do it fast. Believe me.

I personally believe that there is someone ill out there who gets a kick out of his message being passed around causing panic.

But finally let me give you a last advice if you are unsure about using scripts. Use them reasonable, don't set the waiting timers too low, don't let them run parallel in many tabs, just don't be greedy.

And keep away from any pages, script or persons that offer you RPs, glitches or loot for free or cheap. Hacked or banned does not matter, your account will be gone. Seriously.

Sorry for any spelling errors, I am in a hurry and have to go to bed. :-)

Article written by Eike, Great fan of the MW Loot Lady Blog and The Informant Podcastand contributor to Spockholm bookmarklets.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. ya, please! Zynga knows all about the links, they even say on their site that you can only collect a gift once from either the inbox in game or on facebook and only once from a persons post.. so they dont care!

  2. I'm agree with you Eike...

  3. tinyURL & any url shortner is a 301 redirect service

    the domain tiny.url etc etc all point to their main website which then redirects the traffic to the original destination which was encoded into the url so if anything zynga see the connection as a referred connection from tiny url
    if zynga want more info they will have to work closely with tiny /bitly/etc to get more info about each click
    which they are not

  4. I think you may be missing an obvious issue... When you create a Tiny URL for a free gift and then post it for others to hit and send back to you. what you are doing are circumventing the MW gifting limits. So it would be pretty easy for Zynga to track that 50+ people all hit the same single link. Or that you received 200+ return gifts in a short period of time.

    So while "tracking" the referral source may be the cause, it could easily just be exceeding the quantity they "deem" possible.

  5. It dint happen the moment we clicked a link. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. and it's not just JOKERs

    the only commonality we all have is the posting of the link a nator links, nothing more. If you want the story come to me, Joker GM instead of spreading these stupid speculations and accusations that you all are enjoying so much.

  6. I think zynga has employed people to spread rumor among players!!
    proof:- we all got messages about the new italy loot.
    and did u notice what zynga said after they were released
    "after a lot of rumors the new regions in italy are finally out"
    point to be noted:-how did they know that there were rumours?

  7. I agree with you.... rumors are being spread but i am trying to get the word out as fast as i can to stop using Link-a-Nator..... trying to protect all the daily players i can

  8. I see people using the links all day everyday....they are still here. Go play the game!

  9. Link-a-nator is not the issue, these accounts in question were likely banned for some other thing, like injecting into their accts to increase their stats. There are too many players all together getting injections, fake rps, etc.

  10. no clue as a huge fan or the loot lady and nemisis I usually agree but I have a lady in my mafia that had her account frozen for unusual activity after clicking one of these tiny url link from the link a nator and she did start all over so for me it is not worth the free gift to take that chance

  11. None of the players that were banned had anything injected into their accounts!!! They are not CHEATS! Those 5 accounts you mentioned are not the only ones to have their accounts disabled! I have seen it happen to other people as well!!

  12. no one apart from Z can possibly know if it is the link-a-nator so to say its not that isa fkn stupid comment, and to accuse players of injecting accounts is another stupid comment no wonder you kept it anonymous....

    Every person I have spoke to that has lost there MAIN account clan members or not spend real $$$$ on there mains and have the brains not to even risk injecting...


  13. sounds to me alot like a bunch of guilty people on this post trying to deflect their sins those that jump to injection conclusions obviously know about those things and have more than likely done it themselves!!!
    point is this zynga makes an example of people even innocent ones those people worked hard for everything they had now its gone so piss off with your assumptions and notions those who know know the truth !!!!!!!!!

  14. FUCK OFF mw loot lady.. you are probably zynga's bitch anyway..

  15. There are hundreds of us who have used worse than tiny urls since the time the game came out. They even know who we are because we have been in talks with them numerous times. Two employees from Zynga are even in our closed group, over 700 players, who all use one of the oldest toolbar made for the game. They have even incorporated some of our toolbar into theirs. We are still here, we are still alive, and not one has ever been ban or even threatened by them. The only way they got their butts booted is by being reported for misconduct or using the links from the hacks for reward points and skill points. If they wanted to ban people for using silly tools that do no harm and do not override daily allowances they would have their prime killing field at their finger tips and not a single one of us who have been known to use tools since MW's first started would be here.

  16. @anonymous who told me to F off, you must be one of those selling injections. If being Zynga's bitch is what you want to call it, that's fine. Without the connections I've made with the Community Management Team, this blog wouldn't contain a lot of information you are obviously reading. If you're going to be a jealous asshole at least have the balls to sign your name!

  17. JOKERS are a bunch of faggots and tahst what they got banned for

  18. Just more rumors. Has anyone noticed it was Zynga who gave us the option to get tiny urls?

  19. According to wikipedia.org there is no indication of any adverse actions or attempts to ban anybody at this time from trading and gifting so what you received in that message is probably just a keylogger in search of passwords for compromising FB accts nothing to worry about...

  20. They got banned because of fake profiles, selling loot, or bullying players. I report fake accounts that attack me in packs like a doucher and then go hide in the hospital, so you can't attack them back. I report fake profiles that spam my page, and fake profiles that bully. Eat sh!t.

  21. Here's a little bit of info for those who don't know how the web works. When you go to a website from a link, there is a piece of information called the http referrer that shows where you came from. For example, my referrer would probably show Facebook because I clicked a link there. So when you click a tinyurl link, the referrer is set to tinyurl.com. If Zynga traps this information, and they know they didn't create a tinyurl for a particular action/item, they could easily figure out that someone is doing something outside of their system.

    However, there are add-ons for some browsers that will block the referrer information. I would recommend that if you want to continue to use link-a-nator, you might want to look into blocking the http referrer information. Be warned though, doing this could also raise a red flag.

    And before someone jumps on saying I work for Zynga, I can assure you, I do not. If I did, I would be ashamed at the number of issues that still exist in their games!

  22. I need to clarify my previous comment. My http referrer was set to tinyurl because that was where I clicked the link. So if you click a link on a Facebook profile, that link is in the http referrer. It won't say tinyurl.com in it like I had said, but it still would contain information that Zynga could use to track the use of link-a-nator. Sorry for the mis-information.

  23. Sunny's 2 cents=
    In all reality there hadn't been any talk of a witch hunt as to the use of our gift links until the linkanator & the FB feeds being FLOODED by gift links right out in the open. What were they to do being slapped in the face with it- Then once it took that giant leap above and beyond by actually making FB game look a like posts - OMG - Come on - we are not alone- I'm not saying one way or another as to condemning or promoting the use of it but as everything in life use some common sense - don't throw the links right out on feed - hide them in a note with a title other than FREE GIFTS lol - Out of sight Out of Mind!! As for the tiny - I can't say yes or no - I don't know if java is able to track this for them like flash & the snare - but using a tiny is only a convenience - not a necessity - if you fear it then start using the long link- thats what we all did prior to link a nator and tiny

  24. zynga use link shortners to give thee own free gifts away like the recent barrage of skill att def it would be pretty hypocritical of them to say we cant use them and how i portray the link is my perogative zynga have no remit in this instance if facebook had a issue with them they could stop them but your not posting them on zyngas site and when you arrive at there site youve been directed via the orig url anyway .and the link shortners circumvent facebooks send limits not zyngas people seem to keep forgetting that zynga use to let you send lots of gifts it was facebook that limited it per app

  25. spock on jen good for you..
    Guys i use Tiny urls daily and i have had not 1 warning yet!

  26. Sunny's 2 Cents
    I beg to differ as to the limits - since the first day i played this game there was a very low limit as to the number of requests that could be accepted daily - this limit incl. mw invites, free gift requests & the safe. I get cut off at the knees almost daily as to the ability to accept more free gifts- this isn't due to what has been run thru fb requests - I've talked to Zynga support = they tried to tell me that we also have a limit of accepting 30 or 35 gifts per day- i argued for 1/2 hr with them - tried to even get a date out of them as to this which of course they couldn't supply - but as for the gifts - ITS ZYNGA who is setting the low limits - WHY - because they are trying to even sell us the crime spree gifts - mystery bags & the property upgrade materials -
    Back to the original topic - I have found out last nite that there IS more being used thru fb & zynga as to spying & they need to be handled in the same fashion as snare - as to java being used like flash that is currently being looked into by those that know this stuff best - if I hear any updates as to this I will pass it on but most likely by the time I hear about it you will already have known -
    But they have no way of actually seeing scripts run - that is why they so broadly use the "suspicious activity" as a fall back.


  28. You panic mongers need to just go run & hide under your rock.......I have admitted to zynga that I use link-a-nator & brawler on more than one occasion......guess what....they dont give a shit! zyngas only concern is as follows 1-selling loot 2-selling rps 3-stealing loot or rps 4-using bookmarklets to "sit on" or "bully" individual targets,such as "attack x" or setting brawler to attack 1 target continuously. yes zynga makes money from the sale of virtual goods,but they also make money from advertising sales.....for which they need players,even those of us that do not spend money are still valuable to zynga. Play on & dont worry so much : )


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