Feb 11, 2011

Mafia Wars Valentine's Day Event


Yesterday Customer Support posted the guidelines for the Mafia Wars Valentine's Day Event (1) and today the Official Mafia Wars Blog posted theirs (1).
Guess Zynga caught on to our little trick of using the Mugging job in New York and the drop rates for Broken Hearts are going to be proportional to the energy costs of the job.
Looks like this one is a gifting event and a loot drop event combined.  I'm so glad they are mixing it up as I'm getting bored with the 3 item Gifting Events.  We need to collect Broken Hearts and Golden Hearts that we will later turn in for awesome loot items.  We get them from jobs, fighting, robbing and gifting. The Mafia Wars Blog tells us "The goal  here is to collect as many Broken Hearts as you can get your hands on", however, Customer Support tells us the bad news that there is a cap of how many we can collect in a day.  Neither source has told us when the event begins or when it ends.
Here is another look at the loot items we can redeem our Broken Hearts for.  Depending on how many days the even lasts, it doesn't look like we will get much because of the cap on Broken Hearts.  The maximum number of Broken Hearts one can get in a day is 55 (10 from fighting, robbing and jobs = 30, 20 from gifts, 5 from the 1 Golden Heart).  A strategy can't be formulated until we know how many days this event will last.
Thanks to Joe All Thumbs of TopMafia.Info, here are what the loot items look like (1).
(image from TopMafia.Info)

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. This event is just bullshit, I'd rather have a good old loot event...


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