Feb 3, 2011

Love Tap Removed From Inventory


If you go to your Inventory Page and look for those elusive Love Taps that you just blew thousands of stamina to get, they won't be there.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. but if you go to your profile and scroll down they still are :D

  2. I have spoken to Vladimir from Support. Mine went missing today, so i was very frustrated, not only missing from inventory, but also from profile page. He informed me that this item was mistakenly added, and should not have been dropping from clearing robbing boards, even though we all know it was stated that way when it appeared in news feeds. He informed me that it will be a special limited time item that will be re-released around Valentine's Day.
    He went ahead and re-added to my inventory, and advised me that unless i still needed robbery achievements, then it was wise NOT to waste Stamina on searching for this now NON-existent item. Hope this helps and clears things up a little for you>

    FYI: he also told me that the DEVs have been adjusting out the loot drop ratios for Italy new regions. I have spent well over 40K energy, and have yet to receive a single Holy Hand Grenade nor an Italian Porcupine. He told me that Italy is very different than other regions, and the ratios will be ever changing. Not sure what that means, but i want atleast 1 of each of these items!

  3. I may not see them, but my defense stats still havent gone down....and im still missing 71 items from my defensive weapons list.
    I really hope they dont go poof, like a cats tail in a light socket!

  4. Well that is FUKED. Some people have hundreds of Love taps and others non..... Surely that is a massive advantage to those who were gtting them every few boards?

  5. You could NEVER gift the Love Tap, they were only available for a limited time from successfully clearing a robbing board 9-0.

  6. ZYNGA is a scammer lol i went to support to complaine about the love tap i spent many reward points buying stamina to rob and all they did was refile my stamina and give me 30 rp back i probaly spent 200 rp buying stamina to get 1 damn item

  7. Well, i didnt get any RP or even a stamina refill, but they did replace the 1 single Love Tap i was awarded that went Missing in Action. Just be patient, they will return, and im sure they will be ALOT easier to obtain once we get closer to Valentines Day, after we get finished with the Superbowl SPAMFEST

  8. they probably will be easier to get on valentines day.... with lower stats i bet

  9. mine are there still as well... i had 59 before i even knew what they were... that number never increased, but i didn't waste rp on stamina refills so no worries... nice to have defense 145k+ while it lasts...

  10. I still have all 7 of mine - 2 I got robbing and 5 that chat support gave me after spending a bit of time w/them complaining about there being too much stuff going-on in Mwars right now.


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