Feb 3, 2011

Love Tap Drop Rates


Two days ago, Mike told you all about a mysterious loot item dropping as a robbery bonus called the Love Tap(1).
We still don't know all the details of this item as nothing has been said about it being a holiday item or if it is a permanent robbing bonus.  If you go to the Mafia Wars Wiki Love Tap Page, there is a disclaimer that the origin of the item is "Subject to change". Take a look at this thing! The only thing that I wouldn't be ashamed over fighting with it are the stats (34/92). I think one would get laughed at if they showed up to a fight with pink brass knuckles!
According the Wiki, the name comes from another game called Fall Out 3 and there is a unique type of brass knuckles called Love Tap. The Fall Out 3 Love Tap looks much cooler than ours!
Even the name doesn't sound like something associated with fighting. If you look up Tap in the Urban Dictionary, you'll see it is a slang reference for sex.  I'm just glad they didn't name this thing the Love Tap!
Ok, now back on track.  Most of us have seen the Love Tap drop while robbing and many players have discovered that it doesn't drop very often. I did 4 30K+ stamina runs in 4 different destinations and here are my results. The destinations are posted in the order I did them. The first 3 dropped at a rate of about 1 per 10K stamina and then 1 per 30K stamina.
New York
Las Vegas
Someone made a comment that they got one while doing jobs. I did a 5,000 job run in Italy and used over a million energy points. There were no Love Taps so I don't think they are dropping from jobs. Maybe the commenter was robbing in a different window. Unless I see a screen shot, I can't verify this. Since I did another large run, I figured it would be a good time to compare it to the last one I did in Italy. I've heard the the drop rate for Italy Upgrade Parts has improved so now is a good time to check it out. There was a slight increase in Italy Upgrade parts (226 on the 26th and 264 today). Unfortunately the jump was mostly attributed to Marble Slabs and these we can get from the gifting page. I also noticed a decrease in the number of Italy High End Loot items (309 on the 26th and 289 today). Remember if the drop rate of one item increases the rarer items will decrease. It's also important to note that these are just two runs and to get accurate data many more runs would need to be performed. 
Jan 26th
Feb 3rd

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Cant say exactly what the drop rate is. Ive got 65 now. The only thing i can say is: I am very much looking forward to the addition of over 15k total defense when they're maxed!

  2. seriously woof.... you have to have some kind of idea to know what the drop rate is. else ur full of crap. MW Loot Lady just did at least 120K stamina, so by that math you have used up 2 million stamina to get 65 of these!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm calling BS

  3. I wont entertain the BS call.
    If you want a drop rate...heres one. I have 69 now, so its a drop rate of 4 per hour...at this time.

  4. its not in the inventory now, after spending loads of stamina, i had one but its gone

  5. I can confirm that the item doesnt show up in the inventory list anymore.
    But my defense hasnt gone down, and after counting items 3x...im missing 71 out of the 501 i should be using. I also suspect that they might have stopped dropping at this time, because i had 71 an hour ago...the last time i checked.

  6. Well, i have spent 20K stamina, and haven't gotten 1 yet, not to mention i have expended over 40K energy, and still haven't gotten a Holy Hand Grenade or an Italian Porcupine.! GRRR

  7. Thank woof Re: missing inv

  8. I was lucky enough to check my inventory and notice that i have gained 54 Love taps... Thanks to this article i am now aware of this new mysterious loot... I am hoping more will continue to fall for me as i could really use them to improve my stats...



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