Feb 15, 2011

Hella Gone


I hope you enjoyed the short time that Hella New was around (1) kicking ass with his over inflated equipment scores.
Within an hour of my post, he changed it up a bit and went to a from Level 333 Maniac to a Level 15 Mogul and I was able to beat him.
His equipment was much different and most of those mastery items were gone.  The game must need a day or so to adjust the score because if you look at the fight data above, his score doesn't match what his equipment items are.
I guess Hella didn't like us all the snooping and decided to leave the game. Maybe he will come back someday once all the hype dies down.  He will be missed.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. just proves the point it was a Zynga account - there is no way he could have gained or got rid of those items otherwise

  2. foto yang di atas gak terlalu mewah,, tapi yang di bawah,, baru level 15 tapiiii anehh gimana carannya,,

  3. If you had chance to switch on that account it's last name was Zqa, he hid his profile info quickly but initially he must have showed his friend list and google cache caught it, notice the other Zqa names and Zwork, all low level accounts, certainly dev accounts... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:BAOIYPZRdMIJ:www.facebook.com/people/Jmanzano-Zqa/100002123521225+Jmanzano+Zqa&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&source=www.google.com

  4. When i saw the account it had switched from Platinum to Emerald status but still had the Platinum/Gold loyalty rewards in it's inventory.


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