Feb 2, 2011

Healing Changes


Some nice changes have been made to how you can heal in the hospital. Before you could only heal in the city you were in, or travel to NY, like most people do since they have more cash there.
 Well now they have made it easier and we dont have to travel back to NY to heal then go back to where we were fighting from, and can now heal with our NY money from any destination. I find this to be a great change in Mafia Wars.
Also the Graphic has changed on the Hospital popup, doesnt make a difference in game play but you can see the difference below.

Old Graphic
New Graphic

Article written by Mike Nestor, Admin of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Crew Member of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thumbs up for this new feature :)

  2. I would go to Cuba or Moscow to heal

  3. I like this, I'm a fight and that when health is depleted, I open a new window to travel to NY and restore health! this, if it works, is good news! thanks ..... will eventually be tested.

  4. Another benefit, I swear they've dropped the healing prices for Italy and Vegas -- they used to be the same price as NY, now it's 1/10th.

  5. That's cool.. but i dont have that option and I have the new button layout.. don't tell me they made it and then took it away already..

  6. Like Anonymous (above) said, I go to Moscow, and sometimes Cuba to heal. The money in those cities is worthless once you've completed them. Meanwhile, the money in New York can be saved up to reach the Achievements, "That's With a 'T'" and "Nest Egg". OR, you can buy into the properties, making them create even MORE money.

    So, the new healing feature is great, but I'll use it to heal in Moscow.

  7. Must be a slow roll out. I'm not getting city choice yet.

  8. I've cleaned out the banks in Moscow and Cuba with healing from fighting, now its just NY. But its nice not to have the constant city change just to heal, may speed up boss fights.


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