Feb 17, 2011

FHEL4 Drop Rates by Destination


Ever since High End Fighting Loot group 4 (FHEL4) came out, we've all been trying to figure out the drop rate. We've seen it go up and down and up and down. Many have been posting their rums on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page and it's hard to say if it will ever stabilize. I've been posting runs from Italy for the sake of comparison.  A question that always seems to come up is "Which city has the best drop rate?". I do know from what others have posted that it's different for different accounts. Since I've completed Italy, I figured I would try a run in each of the six destinations and see what I get.  These runs are smaller than the ones I've been posting and are on my account so the results are by no means definitive answers to all the drop rate questions.  For each run, I take the number of FHEL4 items I got and divide it by the number of fights won. I multiply that number to get it into a percentage.  Brawler also got another update and is on version 4.4 now. To learn more about that go to this, Mafia Task Force Forum Thread.

New York
28 Items/7,766 Fight Won
Drop Rate = 0.36%

17 Items/3,217 Fights Won
Drop Rate = 0.53%

13 Items/3,203 Fights Won
Drop Rate = 0.41%

22 Items/6,436 Fight Won
Drop Rate = 0.34%

Las Vegas
8 Items/4,828 Fights Won
Drop Rate = 0.17%

Italy (Feb 14th)
76 Items/16,473
Cuba gave me the best drop rate and Las Vegas the worst. I've heard people say the rates change at certain times of the days and certain countries have better ones in certain destinations. I'm wondering if Cuba gives the best drop rate because of the Beta Martial Law thing.  From what little I know, each opponent only uses 50 mafia members but this isn't always the case.  I've been told (see the comments below) that the rule only applies when both opponents are actually in Cuba.  Cuba sucks and was a good place to park it when you are off line.  Guess Zynga wanted to put a stop to that.
Both Opponents In Cuba
Attacker in Cuba/Defender Somewhere else

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i only fight in bangkok...hardly got FHEL4 other than the Toxic Gas Scrubber (4-5), 1K stamina run. sometimes i get 1 or 2 other FHEL4. if i fight in moscow, its Tainted Blades showering 4-6 in 1K stamina...others hardly found.

  2. The Beta Martial Law rule only comes into effect if both are in Cuba. If you attack someone and they are in New York, you will use 501 mafia.

  3. @Jen: If you notice, to the people at whom 501 mafia was used the money earned is $0, the opponent was in New York at that moment... For people in Cuba only 51 members are used

  4. Only 3k attacks per city is HARDLY a sample population worth considering. Thatd be like polling 20 people out of the entire US and saying that your results are accurate :/ Even though results for Cuba and NY are high, I'll still keep fighting in LV.

  5. Does the lvl of account or need for items has affect on the drop? same amount of stamina run for 3 times in a lvl 450 and a lvl 2200....the lvl 2200 got about 6 frogs and the lvl 450 had nothing..
    same in collections. when you have about 5 times a collection in vegas (eg), the collection items won't drop, but when you have nothing they will drop like crazy..

  6. Just an observation.The best loot drops mostly when you do POWER ATTACKS.Then mostly i get the FHEL3/4 stuff then!

  7. @Anonymous #2, Do you not know how to read??? I stated exactly what you said. The overall point of this post was that each player needs to figure out what city is best on their account. The vast majority are saying Cuba is best and Vegas is worst and I was able to show that was true on MY account. May not be the same as on yours. Before you post about the data pool, read the post. If you are going to criticize, grow a set and sign your post. Or better yet, do something useful like make your own study with a sample you feel is worthy and post it somewhere.

  8. @Anonymous # 2, if you knew anything about sample calculation you would know that 3k is a sample more than enough to get accurate data in a population like the U.S., with a margin of error of less than 2% and a confidence level of 95% .

  9. @last anonymous:
    Do you really think, laws of statistics work for Zynga? Think about the slot machine, the mini slot machine or other "random" things.
    The drops REALLY vary a lot. I am just doing a long brawler run, and although its not finished, here is what I got until now:
    First 5000 won fights: 10 fhel4 (0.2%)
    next 5000: 2 fhel4 (0.04%)
    next 5000: 8 fhel4 (0.16%)
    next 5000: 12 fhel4 (0.24%)
    next 5000: 4 fhel4 (0.08%)
    Now I am at 32k won fights with 55 fhel4 (0.17%).

    You see, the rates can vary A LOT even for the same, player, same city, same day.

    It's a poisson distribution and you can be anywhere within the 0 and 100%. You need a lot more samples to at least exaggerate the real drop rate.

  10. How does someone have 32,000 stamina? Just askin'

    Michael Lynch

  11. @Eike I just did a 10k stamina and is true the drop rate is like 0.17 % of FHEL4 that means 17 items per 10,00 fights, they are really Zynga'ed


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