Feb 25, 2011

Bugs Everywhere!


We have so many bugs now on the game due to the latest Mission - Cuba in Crisis!
First, we can not help our friend on their war and also job help. Check my blog post here : Bugs On War!

Then, we can not claim or send Energy Pack. I made a blog post of it here : Energy Pack Failed!.

Some other friends can not finish their Boss Fight and have to run away.

Do the servers busy with this Mission? Or is there something hidden that we don't know yet?

Article written by Ade,
Creator of the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I spent all morning looking for a Plantation to rob for the Mission. Finally found a live wire. Robbed her, it didn't register on the Mission tally. I refreshed and robbed her 3 more times, not one registered.

  2. these bugs glitches are getting to be way to annoying

  3. I did a Cuban job 10x and it gave me credit for only 4 jobs. I accepted 10 different gifts and kept getting the error message, even from within the game console (not just from the FB feed).

  4. what about declaring war and right after you win one there`s someone who declared war on you just in few minutes after... where are the 15 hours ?!?!!?

  5. You have always been able to declare a war and have a war declared on you. These are two separate/different things. You just can't declare twice in 15 hours, or be declared against twice in 15 hours.

  6. I think we should all just refuse to do this Mission. Too many bugs too little compensation for the energy and stamina used to complete it.

  7. Get a free boost >>>>
    You are not friends with this person....
    or on jobs next mssg:
    Sorry, you have to be social network friends with this user to help on a job.
    can't help either on war of my friend

    Not in Mafia
    Send them a mafia request so you can fight together in battle. Send a request.

    but I can click and get secret stash
    and spin Vegas Slot Machine!

    What is Wrong ???

  8. I've had the same problem with the 'not friends' and 'you have to be social network friends' error. I couldn't accept any gifts either.
    It was not Browser related, emptying cache didn't solve it, even removing MW and reinstall it didn't change it.
    I contacted Zynga, they had no fix.
    A friend suggested I could try to remove her from my mafia and unfriend her, then add her again. This was the trick, somehow it reset everything for all my mafia!

  9. I tried removing folks from MW, and then removing as FB friend, and now I can get gifts. I dont know if Zynga fixed their screw-up or if the removing thing worked. I also added a new FB/MW family member, so who knows? All I can say is: try it!!! I got an Island Hopper as my first gift today! I was pleased.

  10. On the part of the Mission where you need to build two cars, I built one and no credit for it...customer support not available all day for live chat..how convenient...email answer will probably never get here..what a rip off.

  11. what thge Fub is up with this,, >>> The page you requested was not found. anything mafiawars

  12. can not finish Boss Fight that bug have I had for over 8 month when i are on the ruby level. Support have always help me with that problem and kill them for me, but not now. Now they keep on blame me and my PC


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