Jan 28, 2011

Zynga Is Confused


Thanks to everyone who sent me images or posted on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page about the inventory bloopers going on in the game. There are a few more of these but you get the idea.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I think they're upside down right now lol :)

  2. They fixed Duality but zynga has stupid progammers working for them.

  3. Ya know, the Bullet Concerto would make a perfectly good sled... especially open as shown. Cheeks firmly planted and leg holes, too!

  4. i guess it was due too many new item/feature releases these days. common human mistake.

  5. btw, we can use bullet concerto as temporary raft in desperate times. you know, when someone throw you in a river and bullet concerto is the only thing you hv..could save your life XD

  6. It also affects your hit/defense points. I'm a little hesitant to give away/trade some of my upper tier inactive weapons in case Zynga realizes their mistake and places it as a vehicle. On the other hand, they may never notice and I may be holding on to some of these items for no reason. What to do? Guess they count on us using warp speed to run people over.

  7. brigader is an armor i earned on missions but its stuck in weapons too!

  8. I sent a ticket about the Bullet Concerto, Warp Speed and Brigadier and they corrected it.


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