Jan 6, 2011

Trader Goh's Pawn Shop Video Tutorial


We have another video tutorial.  This one is from a guy named Cole.  He doesn't sound as excited as Nate did in his tutorial for the new Inventory page but he did a great job.  I'm sure it's not his fault that the quality sucks and you can't see it very well.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. SO WHAT! more BS to buy!! It would be nice just to get rid of the items no longer used..but to pay to do it is crazy!!!!! Zynglitch is at it again..

  2. doesn't look too bad. Might be a good way to get rid of the old items and get new good ones. Two things, I do not like too much though:
    1. It appears to me, RPs are always to pay as a fee. If that is confirmed, I won't use it too any senseful extent
    2. Goh is just offering one alternative? As in the tutorial, you either have to send in 2 Commons + 1 Uncommon + 1RP or pay the full RP price? That's not bad, but how about some more options. In this case, it could be possible that he expects either 2 Common + 1 Uncommon or 4 Common ones ... or just 1 Rare for the ones, that don't like them at all.

  3. I was waiting for this but now It sucks.

  4. Very disappointed this is just another cash grab because it could have been so good! Would have made our old items have some worth again. I wouldn't have minded trading in 1000s of worthless loot for just one good item or 1rp even.

  5. Well, it is useable. Actually works pretty much like a real pawnshop as if you are on the outside either buying or selling you are going to get bent over the table and they don't use Vaseline. Two things about the vid-can they use any worse copying software to blur it up a bit more? Also-'Trader Goh' looks Asian, the name 'Goh' is Asian yet the guy claiming to be him in the vid sounds like a 14yr old middle class American kid trying to sound important and intellectual to me. ;)

  6. I was expecting a Pawn Shop that would take all my old loot in exchange for new items or rare items....this Pawn Shop is a money grab!!!!!!!!!1

  7. Another way for ZingYa to get you to use RW points. I guess that explains the more than obvious over abundant posts to sell RW points. They might as well have a sign that says, "Me so horny, me love you long time!"


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