Jan 7, 2011

Trader Goh Walk Through


Today I got Trader Goh's Pawnshop and was excited to check it out.  Since Zynga put out so much information on this feature, I don't think I need to get too technical on using it.  I will say I'm very disappointed because I thought this was going to be a great feature and I could easily get rid of my unwanted loot. Turns out it's way easier to gift it away.
Click the yellow question mark to get instructions on how to make a trade with Trader Goh.
Trader Goh only has 16 items in his Pawn Shop.  In addition to your crappy loot, he wants Reward Points too! It will cost between 1 and 7 Reward Points to do any type of trade with Trader Goh.  I wonder what he is smoking? None of the trading sites that I've used have asked me to give them money too. Anyways, here they all are. Notice the better the item, the more Reward Points it will cost to make the trade.
I have over 8,000 Butterfly Knives and I was really looking forward to putting them to use.
Now the whole "trade" turns into a search and click fest. Good thing I had Trader Goh to guide me through this time consuming process.  First decide on which of the 16 items you want and click on it.  I wanted a Man Opener. Notice you can bypass turning in your loot and just buy the item for 8 Reward Points.
Now click on the box that your crap loot will be placed in.
Find the item you want to get rid of and click on the green plus sign.
 Do this for every box!
In addition to the two common Butterfly Knives, Goh also wants a uncommon item. Scroll through all your uncommon items until you find one that you can part with.
When all of your boxes are set up properly, they will have green check marks next to them.  Click on the "Make The Trade" button.
You will get a new pop-up and have to click on the "Make The Trade" button again. Why? I don't know.  Maybe so Goh can tell you how generous you are. I didn't realize I had a choice in this matter and could have been a cheap ass.
Why keep this exciting transaction to yourself? Tell all your friends to add more spam to the news feeds.
According to my calculations, I would need to do this 4,209 more times to get rid of all my Butterfly Knives! That's a lot of Reward Points. It would cost $840 to get the job done.  I decided it would be much easier to gift them to [MIG] Chainsaw Chester instead!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Hi, i collect all loot.
    Feel free to send any unwanted/ugly/etc loot you don't use for fights to me. Thanks!

  2. [waiting to be tagged MIG] Chris "n00basaurus"January 7, 2011 at 8:51 PM

    that's a great place to send them, Jen :D

    what a piece of crap feature, if they'd mentioned that it was going to cost RP before it was released no-one would have even bothered to look at it now.

  3. Pretty soon we will have to Pay RP's to log into Mafia Wars

  4. Well,...if I was a CC player I could have 300k Att in an hour for less $$ than normal buying thru the Marketplace. The numbers bear it out with some simple mathematics.

  5. to above... last i heard, the cap limit for att/def is 150k, so that wouldn't be possible. (someone correct me if i'm wrong)

    - Ender Fedaykin


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