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Jan 17, 2011

Temporary Suspension Message


Golek Inc, one of my mafia members, got this message on his secondary account after a round of fighting. His account was temporally suspended to gifting and fighting.  It was only suspended for about 10 minutes and then everything was back to normal. I wonder what Zynga is up to?  I haven't seen this exact warning message before.  Please comment if you've gotten this too.  According to John Sweeney Jr., this message will appear if you click too fast. This is a great reason to not mess with the delay settings in Brawler. Arun recommends setting them at 1 and 2 seconds.
(click image to enlarge)
Thanks to Golek Inc for the screen shot.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. If you click to fast you will get this message according to Customer Support

  2. Maybe it's to control people from using scripts and bots

  3. that is f'd up...Are they trying to get us to use Brawler? ...I do not..I click fight...AND YES..I clicky fast...if not you cannot get an ice or only get a couple hits on someone and it takes FOREVER to use stamina...Booo....Thanks, Patterson :)) sent you an invite to my PS home game group

  4. i need to write here when i use brawler that its almost never (i went out for a while and still have some stamina) i set it instead of 1 to 2 seconds to 2 to 3, and when i wasnt using it nor even know scripts i clicked and still very fast it appeared this kind of messages that i was clicking to fast, ironic.

  5. When I go to the hitlist, I click faster than my mouse could handle :P I need to collect the bounty before some else does. That is faster than any script I know of. So that message is flawed.

  6. Reference this message "MWPauseFightGift" RIGHT? TO me that means they are looking at rapid clicks in ...fighting and gifting....SO? until further comments..looks to me like somebody that uses the tool may need to up the anti a bit? Big deal..so set it to 3 to 4 , or even 4 to 5 for that matter...who cares? open it in a new tab...Right? Big deal whatever your stamina is at?!? Let it roll baby, it sure beats clicking and scrolling ~ See what happens : )~

  7. I have to agree with Azizul... this message is FLAWED. I have a secondary account that has this exact message. It has NOT been able to gift or fight for over a week now. Customer Support at Zynga hs no freaking clue what they are talking about when you ask them about technical issues within the game. I am sorry, but they are customer service representatives, given scripts and canned responses to appease those that contact to complain. I have asked 3 different rep's and I get three different answers. I email Zynga, and I have 4 different people respond to the same email with 4 different answers as to why my account was suspended. They have to earthly clue what they are doing, but somebody on the technical side is investigating accounts, and use this message when they disable those features. I am not certain, but I almost guarantee that if you got this message, and you are using scripts regularly, that they will NOT release the ban from your account. Users be cautious is my direction. I prefer to not promote the use of such scripts, because I can tell you FIRST HAND, that Zynga canned my account for doing nothing but playing the game, and running brawler occasionally.

    1. It doesn't take using scripts to get your acct taken away from you. I lost my acct as a "security risk" for 4 months. When I contacted them they told me it was "lost" they could not find it. It took 4 weeks after I contacted them (they allowed me to open another acct because they thought OR because my acct WAS lost). and low and behold they found it! SO TO SPEAK. I got a skeleton of my acct back, all the missions, etc., Loyalty points, defense, attack...Purchases were lost when I got it back, and I'm weaker with this acct which is 2800 of so then I was with my level 328 or whatever it was I had SACRIFICE when they returned this skeleton. Be cautious, don't spend much money on the acct, and trust NO ONE. And I am in agreement on talk to 4 different Support people and you get 4 different answers. It sucks....... Good luck to all the fast clickers, myself being one!

  8. yes some of us have rec'd this. I thought it was because of the London Cash Glitch. Yes it only lasted about 30 minutes. A very good scare tactic though.


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