Jan 26, 2011

Region 8: The Eternal City


Region 8 is called The Eternal City. There are 3 paths and again you should visit the Mafia Wars Wiki The Eternal City Page for all the stats as far as job requirements and payouts go.
Here are the jobs for each path.
Energy Path
Fight Path
Social Path
3 job in the Energy Path requires consumables and the social job (which isn't in the social path) requires Lira.
The social job in the Social Path requires Smart Phones and the last three jobs listed above are also included in this path.  The Fight Path doesn't have any unique jobs requiring consumables but you will find it has 3 energy requiring jobs that are common to the Energy and Social Paths. 
The boss for Region 8 is Don Rafael Di Rossi.  Everything is the same as Regions 6 and 7 as far as the timer and the stamina requirements per attack (1,2,3 and 4 depending on level) but you get two Henchmen instead of one.  You can also ask your mafia to help you once every 30 minutes.
The mastery item you get for defeating the boss is the Di Rossi's Assassin and it's stats will increase with each level that is mastered.
There are 7 loot items that drop in Region 8, 6 are new and 1 (The Swiss Guard) also drops in Region 7.
Here are the drop rates from a 5,000 job run on the Bronze and Ruby levels.
Bronze Level
Ruby Level

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. what its the trick to obtain that high 80X loot numbers i have 5000 energy and i dont get those sky drop stats

  2. @Anonymous, that's the # of jobs done so you need to multiply that by the energy required to get the energy used. This was done on a very large energy account that serial levels.

  3. Thank you for a great site !!
    I don't show the new Italian loot as giftable. Is this permanent or just a glitch ? Future giftable possibility ?

  4. how are you able to serial level without the 11% bonus to mastermind & wheelman ??

  5. can i ask what is the best energy ratio job in Region 8 without use of consumables? (at Ruby level)

    thanks for the great site!

  6. Doesnt boss looks like "The Night Fox" from the movie "Ocean's 12"...??

  7. If your a level 1,200 then Id say you need at least 10,000 energy..


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