Jan 18, 2011

Italy Regions 6, 7 and 8 Release Date Determined


Thanks to Eike Meier for finding this juicy Customer Support page.  I'm not sure how long it has been around and would have posted it sooner had I known.  Too bad players don't check out Customer Support for Mafia Wars information on a regular basis as it is one of the best sources of info out there.  Click HERE or the title link below everyday to learn more.  Rather than tell us what we want to know all at once, Customer Support feels we like to play games and is giving us new factoids everyday.  All I know is Italy will be here when it gets here and I will master it and then go back to being bored or complain that they are releasing too much stuff at once.  The choice is yours!
The Customer Support Reprint follows.

Italy Regions 6-8 Preview Week
Updated 01/18/2011 02:14 AM

Rumors are being spread by the Mafia throughout Italy, from Roma to Napoli. They whisper in anticipation of upcoming new Regions. They speculate about new jobs and new loot.

You've waited patiently for three months. During this time, you've seen a new New York property - Private Zoo, the introduction of Operations and Missions, various limited time events, a new Challenge Mission, an updated layout for the Home and Inventory Pages, and the Grand Opening of Trader Goh's Pawn Shop. And now, it's time to complete Italy. This week is officially Italy Regions 6-8 Preview Week.

Each day (afternoon PST), we will reveal various factoids about Italy Regions 6-8. In addition, we will be running a survey all week and a contest that starts Friday and runs throughout the weekend. The winner of the contest will receive 10 free rare loot items from the most popular region chosen in the survey.

Without further ado ...

Monday Factiods

The three Region names are Calabria, Citta del Vaticano, and The Eternal City.

There is one new Property - Nightclub.

The three Bosses are Don Messino, Commandant Ebersold, and Don Rafael Di Rossi.

Tuesday Factoids

Amount of New Loot, their categories and rarities.

Wednesday Factoids

Energy, Social, and Fight job quantities, and the names of consumables needed.

Thursday Factoids

Mastery item categories and their attack and defense stats.

Friday Factoids

Job names for the most popular Region in the survey.

Link to forum thread for contest entries.

Item names for that Region's common and common Loot items.

Monday (24th) - Official Mafia Wars Italy Regions 6-8: 411, Factoids, and FAQ

Please Note - Click Here for ITALY Regions 1-5 - 411, Factoids, and FAQ

If you have any feedback or opinions about Italy Regions 6-8, please visit - http://getsatisfaction.com/mafia_wars/

The survey is located here - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/mw_italyregions678

Customer Support agents do not have access to information about Italy Regions 6-8, and are not authorized to reveal information until Italy Regions 6-8 is officially released.

If you feel like being a monkey in this little experiment of partial information, feel free to take a survey by of all places survey monkey(1).  Have your chance to win 10 free loot items from the most popular region.  If you guess the category and order of the jobs and are the first to respond, you will win. This seems like too much work for me and I would want more than 10 loot items if I were able to make all these things come together.  They might as well say the moon and stars need to be properly aligned as well.  Honestly, cut the hype and just get to the release already!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Good info, Jen and Eike! Thank you ^__^

  2. Most fascinating thing about all that? Finishing the one-question survey (Which region do you want to know most about? Lame, lame lame), you are taken to a frameless view of MafiaWars!

  3. They added all those popups in 3 months! Oh, my bad meant to say content!

  4. Sorry, forgot to say!! Got it from TopMafia Info Page! Did not want to steal news, I was just in a bit of a hurry!


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