Jan 6, 2011

The Daily Take Has Moved


Many have been complaining about the location of the Daily Take ever since the now Home Page was implemented.  We even discussed this on The Informantpodcast as one of the things we would like to see changed.  Prior to yesterday, the Daily Take was located in the upper right corner of the Your Mafia Acitvity Module. It was a link that only appeared once a day and vanished once you clicked on it.  I can't count how many times I forgot to click on it and had my Daily Take reset back to day one.
Now the Daily Take link will appear at the bottom of all pages of the upper Home Page modules. So there will be more of a chance that you will notice it.  The fact that it's on all of the pages is an improvement but really it's still a very small link that could go unnoticed. Moving it from the top right to the lower left of the module doesn't really make it stand out.
I wish they would make a module that contains the old Daily Checklist.
If I can make one, Zynga should be able to as well!
Thanks to Chris for sending me an e-mail about this change which was implemented yesterday and to Mike Nestor for sending me screen shots as I hasn't moved on any of my accounts yet.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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