Jan 28, 2011

Crack The Safe: Don't Remove Mafia


To complete the Crack The Safe Event, you need to have 5 new people join your mafia.  Contrary to popular belief, you can't remove mafia members and then re-add them. This will not help you because if you lose a mafia member, your count will go down. Removing and re-adding will only net you extra clicks! Don't bother.
Here is my count before removing my energy account.
And here it is afterward. I went from 3 members to 2!
The only way to get this is to have 5 new people join your mafia. I sent out all my invites and have to wait.  You will get credit when the mafia member you booted rejoins your mafia but that only makes up for the number you lost. You also get credit for any mafia invites you accept.  I guess Zynga knew we would all attempt to do this and programmed it so we couldn't. I'm impressed!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. too bad. i was thinking of doing same.

  2. Think it would make a difference if you booted them while the count was still at zero? Nothing to subtract from...

  3. @2nd anon

    probably. or it is possible that for this event, zynga take account of our mafia members once the Crack The Safe start. mine is few hours late btw

  4. Does it work if we sent 501 club (2 free hired guns) to friends?

  5. thanks zynga
    I got it for free...
    I do nothing at all:))
    suddenly: Collect Reward, ok, I collected:))

  6. If you are in a clan, and have any alliances. Go to their war page and add some people. Soon as they accept, sent them a MWR and get the 5 spots filled :).

  7. I wish I would have read this before I ran the remove non-friend bookmark last night. I removed over 300. I probably should have added the 5 before removing 300!!!

  8. You're screwed if you already have 501 Mafia!

  9. i have 26 new people and the safe gives me all the time rewards.... is that mean i have cracked it or what?


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