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Dec 9, 2010

Wishlist "Items"


I'm not sure what's going on but now our wishlist posts are elusive.  It's making me wonder if maybe there is an error somewhere and the Secret Stash and Operation posts are also flawed.  Hopefully Zynga doesn't want us to be in the dark when it comes to these posts.  Here is my current wishlist.
When I share my wishlist with my mafia, all it says is that I'm looking for wishlist items.  That's not going to help anybody.  Aren't we all looking for wishlist items?
Thanks to Nancy for pointing this out.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I noticed this too. I was hoping it's an error. If this is their new idea of change then it will be a whole lot of needles click and waste of time once you get to your mafia member's list and find out you don't have anything they need.

  2. just like me...and didnt know what my mafia looking for..

  3. whre can we complain about that?


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