I've been off line line for awhile and I was not happy with what I returned to in Mafia Wars! I'm very happy that Mike Nestor did a great job of keeping you all up to date. I was very excited to initiate the new Secret Santa Mission and request Wedding Cakes from my mafia but no can do. There appears to be a issue with posting on a lot but not all accounts. I'm unable to post anything in Mafia Wars at the moment.
My missions say I can Ask for help when the timer runs out, but I can't. When you click "Ask for Help" the only thing that happens is your timer is reset to 30 min.
When I click on "Ask" on the Cake Jailbreak window, nothing happens.
I'm unable to return gifts to my mafia because the gift back page is black and nothing loads inside it.
I can't ask for help with my Wars. When I click on "Ask Friends for Help", nothing happens and the request pop-up disappears.
The same thing happens when I attempt to ask for help with jobs.
If you have this annoying problem, try using the Feed Helper by Arun found on the Outpost Mafia Tools website. I was unable to get it to work and I wonder if it has something to do with whatever is causing the posting problem.
I checked Zynga Customer Support and there is nothing there. A discussion thread on the Zynga Forums titled can't post mission help was started and HDickens27, Mafia Wars Moderator, gave all the standard suggestions for in game problems.
Once a few players posted that the issue was still there, he decided to call it an isolated issue because he could post. He did add that he would report the issue.
r4v33n suggested that players clear their Flash cookies and gave instructions on how to do this. Some players had success and could post everything but mission help.
Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast. |
Jen I have been Using Mission-A-Nator to get my missions to post and yes aruns for the rest.. thank God Spockhols just cam out with that Mission-A-nator
ReplyDeleteI'm having the same issue. Requested help with Weapons depot & Armory but was greeted with a blank window. I have a feeling that we have to wait it out till the techs come in to work and reset the servers.
ReplyDeleteJen, I had the same problem, there was a small link on top of my mafia wars page telling that Zynga is unable to send e-mails to my account, I checked the boxes and I was able to post again.
ReplyDeleteI hope it was just a co-incidence, cause this would be heights of coercion by zynga to people who choose not to receive their mails
this may have been fixed, i was too sick of this issue...x( :)
I had the same problem with google chrome 16 hours ago. I used internet explorer to post my requests..