Dec 17, 2010

Mafia Wars Survey


The Official Mafia Wars Fan Page has asked us to take a survey.  Go to to take the survey.
It's not a very quick survey and some of the questions are rhetorical but it can't hurt to fill it out. Check out page number four.  Maybe they need to prove with statistics that there is too much clicking in the game and it's somewhat slow.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Will look at survey.
    Hope it has section write?
    If not what are we to do with over flowing vault in Vegas?
    Why can't I buy concrete and other items to finish casino for like the wasted millions lying around.
    currently using moscow to heal then cuba b4 i need to go to vegas.

    Hope i get a PAWN SHOP for xmas present!

    The whale
    P.S still no podcast on tunein! tell Pete 5 days just about up!

    Why do us aussies get updates 2 days later when we are ahead of you on the calander ;)

  2. Thank you for posting this Jennifer!

    I STRONGLY DISAGREED that MWs loads fast, makes it easy to see player updates and that the pop ups were NOT a hindrance. Hopefully if enough people fill out this survey things may go back to a more simplified user interface.
    By no means do I have an antiquated computer, I run several different browsers and keep updated on the flash plug in for them. The game has slowed down incredibly and makes it near impossible to interact in real time with others in my mafia :P

  3. "I can play MW without too many mouse clicks"

    was that a joke?


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