Nov 15, 2010

Tournament Loot Updated


The loot you get from winning Las Vegas Fight Tournaments got a whole lot better.  This change took place last weekend when fighting loot was updated.  Mike Nestor has been taking screen shots of the loot he has won during the past week.  I wish someone could figure out the secret to winning more of these tournaments!


  1. I think having the plus 100 fighting boost really helps. So before using brawler, go to the Vault and collect (to get the boosts), then My Village, do the Tournament, then do Brawling.

  2. i am loosing at these all the time now

    the bet on everyone trick but you doesnt work anymore :(

    any tips on how to win?

  3. FWIW you can get a "second chance" in the tournaments if you're careful. Choose "fight all" and if you lose a round quickly close the window or travel to another city. Then do not return to the tournament page for at least an hour (very important)

    After an hour, the tournament will have partially reset, and the "Fight all" button is disabled, but you can fight each round individually again, I think with different opponents this time. Bets seem to be lost though.

    As a warning, when it resets it also resets any rounds you won within that ladder so it is possible to actually lose progress. For example if you win all of regional, and 2 rounds in nationals, when you come back after an hour you'll have to redo the 2 rounds in nationals and you may lose this time around.

    Someone else could probably explain this better than I could...

  4. I even got a M45 overcast from regional and than Corpo armatura from, good drops...


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