Nov 19, 2010

Missing Property Levels


A few players have been asking me why their property levels are not showing up in the game.  Mike Nestor sent me the following image and his Chop Shop, Weapons Depot and Armory levels are blank.
I checked my own properties out and my levels were missing as well.  This glitch is affecting properties in New York, Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok.  
New York


  1. The 'You own X BlaBla' message is also gone from the village.

  2. Same here, did'nt take notice of it, now that you mention it but it does'nt affects your daily build's take, Zynga shld fix all the bugs, and missing numbers on this types of glitches, before they start releasing another boss fights/event.

  3. I have also noticed missing levels on my properties. BUT I also have tried to rob other properties and the screen goes black where the property was and you do not take away any money.


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