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Nov 22, 2010

Job Tier Changes


If you go to your job pages in New York and Cuba, you will notice that the tabs for each job tier has changed.  The Levels are no longer listed.  This would be a good change because of the Old City Bonus but apparently it's just a glitch and the level you need to be to unlock each tier will stay the same.  I wonder if any players will complete mastery of a tier and not be able to move to the next one because their level isn't high enough.  I don't feel like playing long enough on a new account to find out.
 New York
Thanks to Lamar for pointing this out to me.


  1. my inventory page has been changed too

  2. sorry but you must be blond LOL it made perfect sense. It is the level in the game you had to reach before that job unlocked

  3. @Anonymous, go open a new account and play and you will see what I'm talking about. With the 3X Mastery, these level do NOT make sense. Guess I should clarify that.

  4. lvl removed only visual, without certain lvl you still cant play certain zone. for example lvl under 30 cant enter Cuba at all, even if we dont see lvl requiriments for Cuba.
    so it's just another zynga glitch :D

  5. took your advice and opened a new account and you can still not play the areas until you reach the required level but it now does not tell you what level is required to unlock these areas. All they have done is taken information away from new players that us oldies were given.


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