Oct 12, 2010

Silence Don Romo


Earlier this evening, many players received a new collection to vault with no explanation associated with it (1).  As predicted, it turns out to be another Featured Job Event.  The name of this event is Silence Don Romo (just like the collection).  It should come as no surprise that Silence Don Romo is identical to all the other featured job events that we have seen in the past (Whack Jimmy The Rat, Fix The Global Cup).  We need to gain 100% job mastery and find all the collection items to get the "Boss of Bosses" Achievement.
There are 3 different jobs to chose from.  Each one has different time and energy requirements, mastery percentages, pay outs, bonuses and odds of dropping collection and event loot items.
The 5 Minute Job
If you can't wait 5 minutes and are that excited to see what your bonus is, you have the option to eliminate the wait time for 1 Reward Point.  There are enough Mafia Wars tasks to keep you occupied for 5 minutes so I hope nobody wastes Reward Points doing this.
The 8 Hour Job
There are 3 different options to speed up the timer with this job.  Zynga ensures there is a Reward Point spending option to meet the needs of all players.
The 24 Hour Job
Just like with the 8 hour job, the 24 hour job has three different options to speed up the job timer.
The best advice I can give to master the Silence Don Romo job is to use the bookmarklet Holiday Repeater by Team Spockholm or the Mafia Wars Auto Player by PlayerScripts.  You can set these to repeat the 5 minute job over and over until it is mastered or until you get to 80% mastery and do the 24 hour job to gain complete mastery.  To learn how to use Holiday Repeater, read my article Promotional Job Bookmarklet Helpers.  To use the MWAP to perform your 5 minute job, simply adjust the settings on the General page.  Check "Perform featured jobs" and choose the Left Job. Make sure you click on Save Settings and have enough accumulated energy.
There are a lot of "Share with Friends" buttons on the images above. Every time you start a job and every time you collect a bonus, you will have the option to make a post.  These are not spam and offer your mafia members experience points when they click on "Go for Glory" in the bottom right corner of the post.
I wanted to see how many we could collect and went to my energy account to start gathering bonuses.  The experience points are either in increments of 9, 24, or 50.  I'm assuming they correlate to the 5 min, 8 hour, and 24 hour jobs.  I gave up after about 14.  Doing this manually was not fun.  I didn't determine the limit but I learned I couldn't accept more than one bonus per mafia member.
I decided to use Stream Helper, also by Team Spockholm to see if there is a cap on how many we can accept. Instructions for this tool are also in the article referenced above. I went back 2.5 hours and only checked the bonuses.
Stream Helper found 311 interesting posts.
Here are my results after it collected all of them.  It said the limits were reached and I received 466 experience points.  I went to collect another bonus manually and got my answer.  We can accept these bonuses from 20 friends.  I won't know until tomorrow if its 20 a day or 20 for the entire event.  Make sure you collect these experience points when it's strategically to your advantage.  Otherwise you could end up wasting energy or stamina.
While you wait to master the job, you need to start looking for collection items.  One item is a free gift, two items drop during jobs, two during fights, and two as bonuses for the featured jobs.
Check your message center and you will probably have more than one Ziti.
The drop rates for the job and fight items are pretty good and you should have no problems acquiring the next 4 items.
2,584 Energy 
5 Collection Items
166 Stamina
4 Collection Items
The last 2 items of the collection are the hardest to get.  They drop as a bonus item when you complete one of the 3 jobs.  Your chances for getting one of these items increases for each job.  The 24 hour job guarantees a 100% chance of receiving a rare Silence Don Romo collection item OR event item, the 8 hour job is a 50% and the 5 minute job is 20%.  I got both of the collection items on the 8 hour jobs. 
When I finally got all the items, I vaulted my collection and received a Home Cooked Meal (18/68). 
The Home Cooked Meal is in the Armor category of your inventory.  This is an odd Armor item.  I don't know about you but whenever I eat a home cooked meal, I don't perform very well in any of the fights I get into.
The event items that will drop are the Guard Vest, the Sure Fire and the Prized Pet.  The Guard Vest and the Sure Fire are totally useless items and a waste pixels and inventory space.  They drop during the 5 minute and 8 hour jobs respectively.  The Prize Pet is a pretty decent attack animal and drops during the 24 hour job.
When the job progress bar reaches 100% you get the mastery item which is a defense vehicle called Don Romo's Pride.
When you master the job and vault the collection, you get the Boss of Bosses Achievement, one skill point, and the opportunity to brag about it to your friends.
This is like all the other achievements where you can share your achievement. The bonus your mafia members can collect is really lame.
One of my mafia members, Alan Mosher, thinks Don Romo looks like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.  I checked it out and I agree. The only difference is our Don Romo looks like he just caught a whiff of something that smelled bad.  Maybe he ate too much pasta!
Many thanks to LIAW and Abbas Khawalda for sending me a lot of screen shots.


  1. you are most welcome, very nice job as usual....

  2. adon steve
    After doing 5 min job 90 times:
    20 guard vest
    0 sure fire
    0 prized pet

  3. AND ON MY third 5 min job i got the vest and the conchiglie that i needed to vault.. also got the pet on one and only 24 hour job.. very nice info you did ;-)

  4. I have burned through 50000+ energy doing jobs in all cities and I got no drops of rotini or spagheti. Anyone else for whom they are not dropping?


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