Oct 26, 2010

Robbing Opens In Italy


Robbing is now available in Italy. It's just like all the other destinations and has a board with 9 properties to rob. At this time, the boards will have a lot of Villas on them because most players have not built or upgraded their properties beyond that.
(click images to enlarge)
It's hard to say what the experience/stamina ratios in Italy will be. Properties are still being upgraded by many players and it will take a while for things to stabilize. Expect to see a higher loss rates during this time as well. Players who have built and upgraded their properties so quickly are most likely very strong. I did a run of 4,592 stamina and got a 1.22 experience/stamina ratio and only L$282,240. This was not a good way to utilize my stamina as fighting provides a better ratio, a lot more Lira and much better loot items. I suggest you stick to fighting until more players have upgraded their properties.
A few hours after doing the run above, I performed a second run and got better results. This time around I used 5,114 stamina, got L$554,825, and my experience/stamina ratio was 1.93. I even got a diamond. My percentage of failed robberies was higher but this is a good sign that robbing ratios will improve.
There is one robbing achievement in Italy called Rome is Burning. It's not worded very clearly. "fully clearing 100 robbing boards in Italy" means you need to win 9 out of 9 robberies for it to count. Simply clearing the board is not enough.
(image modified, original from the Mafia Wars Wiki)
My progress for Rome is Burning is 72 out of 100. I cleared a total of 85 boards from the runs above plus I did 2 runs before those. If we got credit for all cleared boards than I would have the achievement by now.

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