Oct 20, 2010

Italy Region 3: Venezia


Region 3 contains the first social path as well as an energy and fight path.  Just like with the other Regions, you can choose one path or do them all to master each levels. Once you defeat the Region Boss the level is over and all jobs will reset to 0% mastery.  The Rail Ticket which was produced in Region 2 is needed for one of the jobs in Region 3 and this is where you acquire your Fishery.

The images below contain all of the job requirements, pay outs, experience/energy and experience/stamina ratios.
(click on any image to enlarge)
The Fight Path contains 3 jobs that aren't common to the Energy Path.
And the Social Path contains two.
The property job produces Fishnets which will be needed to upgrade the Fishery Village Property.  When you master the Bronze Level of this job, your Fishery will be unlocked.

Region 3 has one job which requires a consumable item.  The Rail Tickets you  produce in Region 2 will be needed here.
The Region 3 Boss is Don Del Brenta.  He is a horrible man and needs to be eliminated!
Here are the stats you need to know so you can prepare to take him down.  This Boss has no Henchman and neither do you.  You are allowed to ask your mafia to help you.

LevelStamina Per AttackTimeHealth
Bronze132 Hours500
Silver224 Hours750
Gold316 Hours1,500
Ruby4 8 Hours3,000

Each time you defeat Don Del Brenta, you are rewarded with a Don Del Brenta Cane Sword and advance to the next level of mastery.  The stats of the Don Del Brenta Sword increase with each level of mastery and cap at 72/133.
Seven loot items will drop while performing jobs in Region 3.  The stats are starting to get better.  I can't wait to see what Regions 4 and 5 have in store for us.


  1. Sorry to add this, your doing a great job. I come here often to get your updates... 1 day and 8 hours is 32 hours. So it's a 8 hour step down between mastery levels. Keep up the great work you do. thank you.

  2. how come you are mastering all of them so fast, are they really that low on requirements or?

  3. so by now vegas 6 7 8 loot are still better right???

  4. i am at the Ruby Mastery in Region 3 and the Boss has 42K health while it generates so fast that i cant even hit him twice before he does that ! How the hell can i take him down this way ?? And i am a very strong fighter. I even asked for help, i got a 5K from my mafia but then i tried to hit him and regenarated again !! WTF... is this a Zynga problem ?? no way taking him down this way

  5. Same issue for me with the 42k boss health level 3 ruby level.
    Why they have changed this from 3000 as it was the boss level originally?
    Since for every try I can make minus 300 on his health, so at every round I die after two hits,the only way you can beat him is to heal the health in NY, go back and do another 2 attack, and keep on doing this for 70 times? so his health is finally gone... Nonsense... Nobodz can do that click for hours, it is not fun...
    Region 4 has 48000!


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