Sep 29, 2010

Prized Pig #1: Curly Tail


I'm a little late but the Prized Pig feature has begun.  It was suppose to start last night but was delayed.  Earlier today it was announced on the Mafia Wars Fan Page.
In addition to the Loyalty Program and Gift pop-ups, you should get a third one telling you all about the Prized Pigs.
Click the "Get Started!" button to begin.  If you miss the pop-up you can go to your home page message box or free gifts page to request and send Curly Tail.
When you click "Request", you will get the option to post your request on your Facebook profile page.
When you want to send Curly Tail to your mafia members, you will get the option to select your active mafia, your entire mafia, or all of your Facebook friends.  It makes sense to choose your active mafia as they will most likely send one back to you.
Now just go to your Facebook request page, look for the Curly Tails that your mafia have sent to you.
Start accepting them and watch your progress.  A total of 18 Curly Tails are needed to reach gold mastery.  You need to accept 3 to master the Bronze Level, 5 for the Silver Level, and 10 for the Gold Level.
As you master each level, you will be awarded a Garrotte which can be found in the weapons category of your inventory.  To accept get the loot items you achieve, go to your homepage message box and click the "Collect!" button.
Bronze Mastery Reward
Silver Mastery Reward
Gold Mastery Reward
When you reach Gold Mastery, you won't have 3 Garrotte's in your inventory, just the highest ranking one and it will have a gold star next to it.
When you master each level, you get to brag about it to your friends.  That's the only purpose of this post.  When your mafia members click on "Be a Porker", it just takes them to their Mafia Wars game.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a "Porker".  It makes me feel like going on a diet!
I had a lot of left over Curly Tail's on my gift page.  I opened a few of them up and didn't get anything for this effort.  Unlike the Pignatas, these gifts don't transform into a mystery bag or anything else.  If you have any Facebook requests left, you can still send thank-you gifts back to the people who sent you the unusable Curly Pigs.


  1. "It's best to click ignore on the ones you don't use."
    what?!?! if people were kind and thoughtful enough to send one, the least a person can do is send one back. sheesh talk about being self centered . . :P

  2. Good point. I guess I should re-word that. I'm sorry, I can only send 40 requests a day and I get hundreds of gifts. I totally forgot about the send a thank you gift back for those. Thanks for reminding me. I will edit that right now.~Jennifer

  3. I love this event. Not because it's particularly easy or productive, but I've managed to find all the repeat a-holes that never return help given to them after they ask for it day in day out. Good riddance.

  4. I Don't Like this Event and this event have a bug, if u started accept 25 "Curly Tail" from "JGAG-Beta" ,u will be loose a Bronze Mastery reward and silver mastery reward ...
    You only have Gold Mastery Reward , Only ONE REWARD.. :(

  5. you state "I can only send 40 requests a day". If you use a delay of say 15 minutes between each send, you'll find that you can send alot more than 40 requests...


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