Sep 8, 2010

Game News: New Release Notes


In their continuing efforts to improve communications, Zynga has posted their second round of Release Notes.  These can be found in the Game News section of the Help drop bar.

I'm not overly impressed with these but it's nice to see they are trying.
I like this feature but I have issues with the Community News portion of the "Game News" section.  Whoever Zynga hired to manage this is really a slacker.  So much has happened between now and June 30th, yet every time I check, I see "Gone in 60 Hours". 
I mentioned the news about the Free Property Upgrade in my last post.  Why can't somebody add that to the Community News section?  Everybody would see it and not just those who search the Zynga Forum Boards.  Look what I did in less than 5 minutes!  You would think somebody who is getting paid would do the same.

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